
HC-5 observations

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Just an observation I have recently experienced using my HC -5. I have jumped the HC-5 without problem all the way up to 18k feet until recently.

Before I left for Eloy, I installed a cameye on my HC-5. Day one of my wingsuit skills camp found that my camera shut off for no apparent reason right as I exited the aircraft on 2 consecutive jumps. Today I removed the only new thing I had added to the system since I had sucessfully jumped it, the cam-eye. After removing the cam-eye the camera worked fine for 7 consecutive jumps without issue. My only guess as to why the camera was shutting off was due to the other ports( HD, Component, firewire) being exposed to the air when the LANC of the cam-eye was plugged in. I have nothing to substantiate that other than when I removed the cam-eye and closed the door that covers those ports the camera worked fine. I don't know if this might also be part of the issue some have with the HC-7 or not.

So if you find you are having trouble with your HC-5 and you are using a cam-eye, try removing it, closing the small door and jumping with it. YMMV
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Scott, I don't buy the "leaving the door open" thing... I've jumped my DVcam in dozens of environments (including Eloy) and the door is completely ripped off. I can't think of a logical reason why air touching an electronic connection would cause the camera to shut off.

Have you jumped that specific Cameye before, or is it brand new? I was thinking the Cameye could be malfunctioning, but that would be pretty easy to test on the ground though.

I don't know... this is a stumper. :|


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FWIW, I've seen a couple Cameye's that have gotten weird in either the switch or the cable at various connection points. Could it be the microprocessor in the CamEye switch is sending an "off" signal due to a short?
Maybe connect the CamEye, start recording, and move your fingers along the cable and wiggle the cable at the connections and see if there is a short?

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Those right-angle stereo connectors (and even the straight ones) are notorious for developing weird shorts. I had a mouth switch that I thought was broken but it was just the stereo connector.

Think about every single pair of headphones you've ever owned... after a while they start going out in one ear, and if you flex the wire back and forth where it goes into the connector base, you can sometimes get the signal to come back in both channels (for a limited time).

I'm actually really curious what causes this, it amazes me nobody can make a stereo connector that does not suffer this fate. I actually have a few old pairs of headphones that I've been meaning to pull apart at the connector and try to figure it out.

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The cam-eye used was/is brand new. It operates fine on the ground, I've cycled it through several standby/record/off/ons with no issues. The cable is gaffered down except for the small portion that exits the helmet and connects to the camera.

I have several trvs and PC cameras that I have used a cam-eye on with the door removed with no ill effect but the HC5 apparently isn't as forgiving. I put another 6 jumps on it yesteday without the cam-eye and it worked just fine. While there is a possibility that it could be the cam-eye, I find it highly unlikely as the problem doesn't manifest itself while on the ground or in the aircraft. It appears right as I enter the door and outside air is hitting me.
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This happened to me, different camera. I'm sure I physically touched the switch against some part of the door or another jumper during climbout. Is it your normal helmet with typical switch position?

I have since trimmed the red switch so that it is almost flush with the recessed rubber surface and it takes positive pressure to activate/deactivate it, it's now much less likely to switch with an accidental tap and just as easy to use.

If this happened at climbout I'd suggest thinking about how exposed the switch was and what you might have touched with your head (edit: the video should give you a clue if that's the cause).

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No mystery here. According to words straight off the manufacturer's mouth, Blade is designed to create "maximum lift and drag" (Skydiving Magazine, March 2007). The maximum drag pushes the cam-eye button and turns the camera off.

Hope this helps. :$

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Why not try a jump without the Cameye, but taping the door open? That way you are isolating variables rather than changing two at a time. I still cannot think of an explanation why air hitting the open connectors could somehow power the camera off.

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I am absolutely positive I was not hitting my head and shutting it off so that is not a possibility. I jumped with it a total of 20 more times, no cam-eye, manually hit the rec button without any problems.

I also figured I would see if just leaving the door open, no cam-eye, would cause the camera to turn off after I had hit the rec button. Conclusion, leaving the LANC port door open on my HC-5 camera,exposing it to the wind in the door during exit, causes it to shut off and stop recording. YMMV

EDIT: haven't tried it but a good piece of Gaffer tape over the other ports while the cam -eye is plugged in may also prevent this from happening.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I also figured I would see if just leaving the door open, no cam-eye, would cause the camera to turn off after I had hit the rec button. Conclusion, leaving the LANC port door open on my HC-5 camera,exposing it to the wind in the door during exit, causes it to shut off and stop recording.

Man, that is weird. Which connectors are behind the door?

If you have access to some high-speed air (get in the tunnel or drive really fast ;)) it would be interesting to have your fingers over all the ports and remove them one by one and see which one, when hit with airstream, turns the camera off. Still doesn't make any sense to me. [:/]

I wonder if it's the HC5 in general or something specific to your unit. Anybody else use HC-5 + Cameye?

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I had the exact same thing happen to me. Actually, the first time, I was already out rear float, and it "paused" on the exit. I used gaffers tape to cover it last weekend, but haven't reviewed the footage yet, or at least what parts I have watched have been fine. I'll watch the whole tape and report my findings.


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...see which one, when hit with airstream, turns the camera off. Still doesn't make any sense to me.

I doubt it's the air hitting the connector that's the problem. It's more likely to be the air getting into the camera via the connector bay or through a connector and causing problems inside the camera.

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Looking really closely at my HC, I can't see how the hinge on the door could really cause much, other than the door flapping into the connector, or similar.
The connectors, even under a magnifying glass, are too substantial to be blown by any force.
There is the chance that the wind is being re-directed by the door?
What happens when you gaff the door area that isn't covered by the LANC? Any change?

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Scotty Burns has three HC cameras now (two HC1's and an HC3). All have that same flap door and none have problems with a cameye. Hey Scott, are you jumping your HC5 top-mounted and exposed on a stroboframe? If so, then maybe you ought to get the cookie box. Scotty's are all exposed (one on a Wess Rich helmet and two on an Optik Illusion).

The only other person I have ever seen with your "shutting off" problem is James (Freeatlast) and his was shutting off because he hit the door on exit every time during climbout.

I still don't use a cameye. I have a new-in-the-bag one in my teamroom, but see no reason to complicate my system by installing it. If you aren't having any problems NOT using it, then just take it out of the equation once and for all.


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Hey Scott, are you jumping your HC5 top-mounted and exposed on a stroboframe?

My HC-5 is top mounted(exposed) on a BH prototype with a Really Right Stuff clamp. A box isn't an option as it won't work with what I want my set up to be able to do. For me, the simple solution is to not use a cam-eye.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Jump the HC5 in a waycool glove as handcam, Also with a cameye.
No issue during the 30-35 jumps I made with it from a C208 in various weather (also high moisure environment) but of course the camera is nicely covered in neoprene.
Till now, no shutdowns, dropped frames, error messages or fogged lenses, so I keep my fingers X-ed.
Using your droque to gain stability is a bad habid.
Also in case you jump a sport rig!!!

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I had some problems recently with my HC 5 shutting of on jump run (this only happens in the Cessna.....never on a turbine!!!!!!! Weird??? YES! Well one of my buddies told me that I am hitting my head on the door on the way out of the plane, because of the on off switch is so sensative and exposed on top that seems to be the problem.

I have seen a couple of comments on air exposed to the wind might be causing problems by getting into the side ports (where the LANC is) What I did was took my dremel to the door and split it right behind the LANC and now have a spiit door and can attach my Cameye and close the rest up to avoid moisture from getting in and avoiding any issues, hope this helps.

REMEMBER! If your not living on the edge..... your taking up too much space!

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What I did was took my dremel to the door and split it right behind the LANC and now have a spiit door and can attach my Cameye and close the rest up to avoid moisture from getting in and avoiding any issues, hope this helps.

Wow, you couldn't pay me to take a Dremel to any part of my camera. Hope you didn't get too much plastic dust where it shouldn't be. There's probably an easier way to cut the door if you're really set on that (though gaffer's tape is an even better solution... assuming the connectors even need to be covered).

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...that I am hitting my head on the door on the way out of the plane, because of the on off switch is so sensative and exposed on top...

My HC-5 shut off on a Casa this weekend. Never had that problem on the Otter, and never happened on my A1U (HC-1) on the Casa before because it's switch wasn't right on the top. I was stooping down as I walked towards the door, but when I walked under the wing, the ceiling is lower and it turned my HC-5 switch off. Fortunately my Hypeye let me know and I got it back on in time, but I missed the exit of the tandem before mine. Might have to add a little block to the body to keep that from happening again.

FYI, my port door is always open (and always was open on my A1U), but it never happened on other planes. So for me at least, this was purely a mechanical turn-off.

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