
Cypres 2 Update

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Well finally got mine in hand, and wow, these things are small! Looks nice, and when packed you can barely tell the difference. Faster power up for sure. But the downside is these damn things are pricey!$$$
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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If I might be so bold, How much?

[Dr. Evil voice]One Million Dollars. bwahahahaha[/Dr. Evil voice]
Square one has them for $1225. That's a whole pisspot of money for Canadians such as myself
I got nuthin

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My broken Cypres 1 unit unit didn't need batts, it needed a doctor, so off to the factory with it. The $1225 price tag for the new ones is a big ol' pill to swallow though....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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The Aero Store wants $1300!

I bought mine a year ago from them for $850.

I'll bet the price of a used Cypres will increase now.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I bought mine a year ago from them for $850.

Just guessing here, but a year ago you probably bought a Cypres 1 unit, and the exchange rate between the Dollar and Euro was more favorable to the Dollar. The situation is currently reversed, making the cost of the new and more expensive Cypres 2 units, even higher.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Yes, of course it was a Cypres I

And yes, I am glad I took advantage of the currency situation
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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"But the downside is these damn things are pricey!$$$ "
The lifecycle cost of ownership is less than the original Cypres though, right?
I haven't done the math yet, I wish someone would.
If the cost of ownership has increased, then I'm going to be mighty pissed with Airtec and will consider buying a competitor's model just out of spite.>:(
If however the cost of ownership has come down, I'll continue with my current brand loyalty.:)I'm due for a new cypres in a couple of years, when my current one will turn back into a pumpkin, so am not too worried about it right now.


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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What is the true cost to MAKE a Cypress or other AAD? I'm curious as to the mark-up.

Working in the electronics field, I would suspect that the production cost is very low. Guessing less than $100. Considering the volume produced, and the fact that a unit more or less costs the same today as it did 11 years ago, suggests that the mark-up is rather large! Airtech or your dealer doing the mark-up? Probaly both!

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you may want to inquire about buyin one either from Europe, or from a Canadian dealer getting them from Europe.

Even with the recent slump of the Loony, the CDN$ to Euro exchange rate is still stroger then if you add a US$ intermediary in there (ie its the US$ thats in the craps right now)

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damn things are pricey!

June Parachutist (page 18) reports prices of the Cypress 2 at $35 more than the original Cypress, according to Airtec.

If they are being sold for more than that, then the dealers are ripping you off (IMO). Considering how excited everyone seems to be about them, how new they are, and there probably aren't a lot available yet, business are likely marking up prices (supply/demand).
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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June Parachutist (page 18) reports prices of the Cypress 2 at $35 more than the original Cypress, according to Airtec.

Don't belive everything you read.

SSK sent a fax to all AirTec dealers pointing out that Parachutist was in major error in much of what they printed about the CYPRES 2.

From the letter:

Next we come to the cost issue. At no time did anyone at SSK industries, Inc. give Parachutist any pricing informating regarding CYPRES 2. As you are aware, and have been previously informed in your dealer packet, both the dealer prices and manufacturer minimum retal price (MMRP) vary based on the exchange rate between the Euro and US$. Unfortunately, at the present time, the Euro is at its strongest position ever, resulting in higher prices for units sold in the U.S. As the dollar stengthens, the US$ price of the new CYPRES 2 will drop accordingly.

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Airtech or your dealer doing the mark-up? Probaly both!

Of course both are going to put a mark up on them. That is why they are in business. However the while the manufacturing cost may be low(er) the product development costs, advertising, promotions, and most expensive of all, liablity insurance are probably huge costs that need to be covered. Dealers are NOT making a living off just CYPRES profits, thats for sure.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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June Parachutist (page 18) reports prices of the Cypress 2 at $35 more than the original Cypress, according to Airtec.

If they are being sold for more than that, then the dealers are ripping you off (IMO). Considering how excited everyone seems to be about them, how new they are, and there probably aren't a lot available yet, business are likely marking up prices (supply/demand).

You might want to consider doing more research before you post like this....

As for the price being too high. AirTec did the R&D, put out the money up front, designed and built a basically bullet proof AAD, and have saved more than a few lives over the years. IMO they've earned the price they charge for their units.

If you don't agree, I suggest you dump a few hundred grand into a project with a very small available market and take your chances like Helmut did. Best of luck to you!:)

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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The lifecycle cost of ownership is less than the original Cypres though, right?

Still trying to figgure that out, but I think you are right. Here is my thinking....

CYPRES 1 Retail Price (aprox)$1195 + 5sets of Batts at $95ea + 4&8year service at $180 = $2030USD

CYPRES 2 Retail price (at 111%of CYPRES 1)=$1326.45 + 4&8year service (if it stays the same) at $180 = $1686.45

It depend on the cost of the 4 & 8 year service checks.

Oh, and IMO as for buying a competitors AAD, there isn't one on the market that has the track record, reliability, or service and support, that the AirTec units do.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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It isn't fair to say it only does one thing. If you're going to simplify it so, then at least say it does two things.
1: the function of monitoring altitude and vertical speed and possibly activating the cutter.
2: There is another microprocessor in there that's constantly running diagnostics

And where a $1200 computer is likely to lock up every once in a while, Cypres is (hopefully) much more reliable to do it's 'one thing' when it is needed.
I got nuthin

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Working in the electronics field, I would suspect that the production cost is very low. Guessing less than $100. Considering the volume produced, and the fact that a unit more or less costs the same today as it did 11 years ago, suggests that the mark-up is rather large! Airtech or your dealer doing the mark-up? Probaly both!

You need to factory in many other costs, including developement and testing, certification, setting up the assembly line, the employee's salaries, advertising, lawyers, etc. The parts might cost less than $100 (although I really doubt, not everything in the Cypres is a commodity part, i.e. the cutter), but the true cost per unit with all things considered is probably much, much higher.

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