
Sony PC-100 trouble

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My vid camera took a crap yesterday >:( It's an older sony PC-100. In the past it would occasionally flash the "error code" (or whatever the hell it is) that looks like the eject symbol while beeping. While it is doing that, the camera is rendered useless--no recording, no playback, nothing. Anyway, I tried resetting it (a lot), tried removing the battery, tried a new tape, and got no result. It finally started acting ok so I jumped it (tandem video) and it cut out at deployment.

Has anybody else had this problem? I know that one of our other vidiots had the same error thing one day but we were both moisture-locked from extreme humidity. What does that code mean and how do you fix it? I ended up buying a PC9 on ebay last night but would like to get this fixed so I can havce a spare camera. Any suggestions?
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not sure if this is going to work for you but it did for me and one other guy. i have a hc-42 and he had a pc-1000. if it is a reinsert the cassette error, take the tape out, power it down, close the unit and give it a couple of hard slaps on the sides. i know this sounds whacked but more than one person has recommended it and it seemed to work on both camcorders. i would also try running a minidv head cleaner through it as well..
dont let life pass you by

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Without an error code its hard to say what is wrong.

In order to get to the error code history you need to go into service mode. To do that hold the stop key and turn the switch from OFF to VTR - continue holding the stop key for 5 seconds. Once in service mode the control dial scrolls through the errors in order.

The errors will look like - [1] C:11:11

Post the errors and I can check the service manual. In the past I have found that the eject problem on my PC100 has related to the tape transport getting crud in it or humidity.

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I wonder if that is the same error code I have with my PC-9 when I was having camera troubles at Prairie.

Mine flashed the eject symbol and said c-21. I googled it and the advice that I found was to remove all batteries and the tape and smack the camera around a bit to dislodge any dirt. Also, spraying a bit of compressed air and letting the camera sit in a dry area for a little bit helped.

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Hmmm, that is soundling familiar ;) I went ahead and found a new camera on Ebay so at least I will have a spare if I can get this one to work. Thanks for the advice; I will get some air tomorrow and see what happens.

"I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me

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