
CCM step 1 the mold

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I've enclosed a couple of photos of step one of my ccm, the plaster mold of my head. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. couple of tips though first, I dont recommend doing this at night, when its cool out. It worked out ok but it took alot longer that I thought it would for the plaster to harden. second, you have to use something to stop the plaster from sticking to the scuba hood we used sterile jelly that I got from work, it worked fine but I would recommend using alot of it, and dont rub it into the pores of the scuba hood it needs to evenly coat the hood so that it won't stick. The plaster mold is drying. Once its completely dry, I'll move on to step two covering it with resin, I'll post photos of that too for anyone who cares.

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Nice Chuck! I hope your plasterer made match marks before cutting. It can be more difficult to line the halves back up without that, but still doable.

When you seal the cast, add just enough resin to get a solid and smooth finish. Too much and you will start making the overall mold line smaller. On your next step, the foam head mold, it is ok to use "too much" resin as that will make the final mold line a little too big (too big is better than too small, especially with a CCM).

P.S. Step 1 is the cast (negative). Step 2 is the mold (positive). :P


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Please keep us informed as you progress through this journey. Between you, Matt, and a couple others, I've pretty well made up my mind to attempt this as well, although I have virtually zero experience with epoxy.

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