Video is grainy on a wide screen tv

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Hi, a video i did for some folks is grainy on a wide screen or large tv.

I shot it with a hc 40 and edited in Premiere Pro 2.

720 x 480 pixels video with a bit rate of 1024 kbps.

on my 32 inch tv it looks great.

Is there a way they can set their big tv to view it better or is there something i can do to the video to make it better for them.

i assume their wide screen is hd tv like an lcd or something.

any help i would love to hear

thank you

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A lot of the newer widescreen/bigscreen television models have all kinds of sharpening algorithems which can really f*k up your video if they are set to too high a setting..resulting in a lot of noise and sometimes even clearly visable fields..
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Is there a way they can set their big tv to view it better or is there something i can do to the video to make it better for them.

Shoot HD. ;) That'll fix your problem.
Seriously, the source footage from DV is always going to be grainy on most HD displays. Turning DOWN sharpening will help a little, but the fact is...SD from DV on HD display won't look great no matter what you do. What can tremendously amplify the problem is if they've got their display set to scale the image up. This is common. Also, if they've got the image sharpened...or if it's a native progressive display...all of these functions can conspire to make for bad-looking video on LCD, plasma, or DLP display.

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