
replacing canon flash

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Ok, so I was stupid and dropped my digital rebel XT a while ago and broke the flash. Does anybody here have any idea how to replace it or how much it would cost? I'm figuring it will not be cheap to have a camera shop do it, but I also don't know how to do it myself or where to get a new bulb. Any suggestions? And no, I don't have the money for an external flash unit or I would have done it by now ;)
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It probably going to cost at least a couple hundred bucks, seems like everything that breaks on the camera does. I know you said you dont have the money for an external flash but check this link out http://www.ritzcamera.com/product/531660942.htm?bct=t13031003%3Bcidigital-cameras-and-accessories%3Bciflashes

Its a quantary brand flash, I have one, Its not a ex580, but for ground shots where your not overly worried about recycle time, it does the job, and its priced at less that 200.00 I've got one and Im satisified with it. I suppose your other option is to call a repair shop, Im sure they can give you and est. on repair. I don't think Im brave enough to try to crack that camera on my own in order to change the flash.


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