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QuoteSometimes that's the only way I get to see the final product myself even.
You know, I've been biting my tongue on this issue for a while, but I had to respond to this quote. Everytime I hear people say how little time it takes to produce NLE videos for tandems, I always wondered about this. There is no way it can take less time than the old analog method, unless you are willing to give your customer a video that YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN YOURSELF! I know, we do these videos a lot, and have a pretty good idea what the final product SHOULD look like. But I just can't get my head around handing over a finished product that I haven't reviewed start to finish in the same manner in which the customer will watch it.
I have to agree with you on this subject.
I guess we still need to wait a few more years to have NLE sys just as qick as our good old analog.
I make my cuts as I record anyway. Infact I use the "edit search" a lot if I don't like some of my recordigs (like part of interview or some face shot) and start if over from the very end of the very last clip on my tape. So I don't have to deal with that on the 20min call. I have the NLE's time line in my head and I make my video shoot based on that.
The greatest thing would be if I could start and stop the music recording straigth to my video camera as I strart and stop recording the video. Multiple audio source option syncronized with the "Rec" button would be the best for tandem videos. So after the jump all I would need to do is to make a dub. All these combined with solid memory capturing could make it even faster if could copy the final product to media (these days DVD) with multiple speed.
Reviewing could be done in sections. The interview and other stuff while we ride to altitude, the jump while we waiting for the tandem to land, and the final report while we walk to our video station.
...I could even make the 10min call
Anyway, I stop dreaming... Right now at the busy tandem DZ the good old method is still better than NLE. Of course if someone wants to mail videos out and deal with all the editing after hours a computer can make a lot nicer product.
The way I'm doing it now I can have variable speed slow mo, repeat key points of the dive (such as the exit) at different speeds, add titles and special effects, scene transitions, etc. It's limitless with the computer really. And the edits only take a couple of minutes more. It's well worth it in my opinion. My only problem is the time it takes to burn to disc.
I like to personally hand the customer their DVD and sometimes even watch it with them after the dive. Sometimes that's the only way I get to see the final product myself even. It's just not feesible on busy days or days that I'm the only video guy. Usually there are 4 of us in the rotation and I have that time, but lots of times that's not the case. When it isn't possible to take the needed time, I have to send the customer home with nothing (or just the stills) and then mail their video to them. I hate that. When the customer has laid out that kind of money, I believe they should at least get to take the video home with them and start enjoying it immediately.
Gary "Superfletch" Fletcher
D-26145; USPA Coach, IAD/I, AFF/I
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