
mounting a hc96 on mxv helmet

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I'm not 100% on this, but I believe the black box is a top or side mount, so you can go either way. If you have no plans to get a still camera in the near future, I would definetly reccomend top mounting it. A guy at our DZ has an HC96 on the side of an MXV and it has some serious snag potential. the bottom corner of the box on the inside presents a massive snag point, as the helmet is quite rounded, and the box is only flush with the halmet for a couple inches. As for your orriginal question of what you'll need... I believe Cookie boxes come with everthing you need to mount it, but you might want to get a liquid flat lock, as you need to take the 96 out of the box to access the LCD screen, which I think is easier if you can remove the box from the helmet.
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