
imovie updates

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Well, it shouldn't even be called iMovie as it has very little in common with its predecessor. It is pretty much a completely different program. I have used it only to import family video from the last 10 years. It stores all you video in one library....which you can have spread, as I do, over several different hard drives. The beauty of that is it is very easy to find clips from specific periods in time vs. the old way which stored video in separate projects. I really like this feature for our family stuff.

I've never created more than a few second long "Project". There is no timeline as in previous versions. It is designed to allow you to hash together a video very quickly. It is focused on producing videos to be shared via internet/Youtube, etc. It no longer has a send to iDVD link. You have to render the video and then look for it from iDVD. It has a completely different end product in mind.

Here is a guided tour page. I think if you watch the video you'll have a much better idea of how it has changed.

Here is a "Getting Started" pdf from Apple's website.

iMovie 6/HD is available for download somewhere on the Apple website. You don't have to give the old one up to use the new one.

Hope this helps.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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For a lot of users who appreciated the features and relative simplicity of the "original" iMovie, the new version is a downgrade, dumbed-down. A lot of reviewers slammed it with comments along the line of "what was Apple thinking...."
I kept the old one, not that I use it much, and trashed the new one.


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Good and Bad. The worst is that you can't do slow motion, reversed video and fast motion. Apple's solution is that they give you free download for imovie 6, and suggest you to do those effects in imovie 6 and import video to new imovie. They also lowered the price for final cut express from $299-$199.
I looked for those effects for a day, wasted time, because I thought no one in right mind would take these features out of. But that's that. The new (good) features are shown here. I never used old imovie so I don't know what got improved.

Others suggested different solution to above.

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I want to do more effects and different transitions with imovie. I love this program and I'm good at it. I was just woundering if there is anyway to get diiferent effects and transitons for it with out spending a lot of money. Maybe something apple has got for a download. I have the imovie HD just would like to have more to do with the tandem video's

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