
No Lanc blues

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Have you ever missed any videos? I'm just getting used to the camera and I missed out on 3 videos yesterday because I must have pushed the switch a little to far and the camera went from standby to play edit.
I'm thinking now I should take the helmet off to put the camera in standby and then hit record and put the helmet back on.
That only takes about 30 seconds. Maybe right when the door opens.

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I believe thats a bad move to be putting your helmet on on jump run when the door is open and all the xaos is going on .It is when your rushed at the door that bad things happen .
The mirror on your altimeter is the answer to your issue. Or you could mount the mirror to the wrist strap if you don't want to put it on the face of it.
IMO :)

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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No record light on that model.

Larry, as cheap as you can buy HC models on ebay why not sell the 28 and move up to a better model with a lanc or a record light so you make a eye sight light.

After all you missed 3 videos, right? If those were paid videos @ 35 a pop that's 105.00 bucks or about half the cost of a used unit on ebay.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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as cheap as you can buy HC models on ebay why not sell the 28 and move up to a better model with a lanc or a record light so you make a eye sight light.

I agree, I searched and searched for a camera to buy and i ended up with a HC-96.

I am very happy with the camera, it has lanc and has a nice wide lens. It may be buly but is reasonably light considering.

It was ony $500 too.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Does it have the D-shaped A/V port? If it does, a bunch of solutions to your problem are in the works. If not, I'd personally switch cameras since I love having a cam eye. Course maybe it will just take some more practice with the on-switch to make sure you get it right. If you aren't sure if the camera is in the right mode, shut it back off and try again.


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When was the last time you looked at the stalk before turning on your windshield wipers? It didn't take long for you to figure that out, just put a little effort into this.

Put your helemt on, and turn the thing on and off a dozen times. Repeat twice a day for a week, and you'll be all set.

I gave up on indicator lights before the Cam-Eye hit the market. It's not a big deal, just turn the thing on and hit record.

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There are some D-link control options coming from (apparently) more than one source, if you want to wait for that.
You could build a fiber optic cable that shows the record light when it's engaged. Youc an bug other jumpers with "Is my record light on?"
Or you could sell/trade what you have for another low cost/used camera that had a LANC, front indicator, or both.

Not a lot of options at this very moment, wish I had something better to offer you.

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I was talking to a guy by email a while ago that's planning to build "D" to lanc adapters so you can use the same old cam eye. The D-connector can do more, but it's got lanc in it (according to a sony schematic for the port) and has been tested with lanc devices. Haven't gotten an update in a while, but I'm not too worried about it. Since it's possible to do, I'm sure the makers of the cam eye will come out with an A/V port version at some point. The guy I was talking to was just working on getting a cheap source of the plugs, but everything else was straightforward (once he figured out how to do it). He was hoping to sell instructions for a do-it-yourself kit too.


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The guy I was talking to was just working on getting a cheap source of the plugs, but everything else was straightforward (once he figured out how to do it). He was hoping to sell instructions for a do-it-yourself kit too.


It ain't so straightforward as he might lead you to believe. If it was, you wouldn't see hard-core DIY'ers groaning about it in the DVInfo.net and COW forums.
but it can be done. LANC itself isn't in the cable/protocol, but some of what LANC allows for is in the protocol. There are many "cheap" sources of the D plug though, so he shouldn't have any difficulty locating those.
Nevertheless, no one should be "worried" about it. If it wasn't February, they'd already be out by now.

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I'm looking for other jumpers who are using Sony Video cameras that don't have a Lanc port. I know there are plenty of them.
I too am one of the lancless wonders. So far my success has been questionable. I'd just like to talk technique with others.

I got a HC-28 too. It was just so cheap, and I'm not a big fan of used electronics.

I'm still waiting for "D-connector" remote indicator, but there is already a sony remote which could be modified to do the job http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665304384&storeId=10151

That could be one option.

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I suppose to get the remote in a week or so which can work just like a Cam Eye through the A/V port.
It still needs some modification.
I just modifide the LANC version of this remote
Now it can function just like any other known Rec indicators through the LANC since I extended the LED's with a cable. In addition I installed a 2.5mm stereo jack, so it can accept a bite/tongue switch.
Now it's possible to take pictures while the camera is recording (I tested already).
The only problem is all the cameras on the market AFAIK allow to take only 3 shots. To take pictures again the recording needs to be stopped and started again. (who's gonna do dat in free fall and cut out a few seconds of video???)
I hope the the future models will buffer more photos.
The A/V version looks exatly the same, so I should be able to make the modifications as well. It will be a good news for those who owns cameras without a LANC or a CX7.

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I'm looking for other jumpers who are using Sony Video cameras that don't have a Lanc port. I know there are plenty of them.
I too am one of the lancless wonders. So far my success has been questionable. I'd just like to talk technique with others.



This small, compact electronic unit can help you in a BIG way by letting you verify that your headgear mounted video camera is in record mode throughout the skydive! The SkyLight uses a tiny light sensitive transistor that you simply tape to your video camera's external record indicator (tally light). When you begin recording, your video camera's record indicator lights up and the SkyLight's transistor triggers (via a small battery pack) an ultra-bright LED that attaches to your headgear's eyesight or other visible location. The easy-to-see LED illuminates brightly and can be seen throughout the skydive, forever eliminating the confusion of if the camera is actively recording or only in stand-by! This unit is designed to work with most video cameras and comes complete with "easy to install" mounting instructions and batteries.
Shipping Weight: 1 lb. (455g).

from paragear

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Since I am really only concerned whether or not I'm recording (on a LANCless CX-7), I might just go with the Skylite solution Mike has posted. I don't need the extra frills that the A/V port may provide. I will probably wait to compare the prices when the A/V solution is released. If the SkyLite ($50) is much cheaper than the A/V solution, that will probably be enough for me.

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...so finally!
I had a chance to sit down and work around this remote: http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665304384&tab=Features
It plugs into the A/V port and contorls the camera just like any other LANC device.
I took it apart and made the 5feet long cabel only a foot long, used part of the excess cable to connect two LED's externally, and installed a 2.5mm stereo jack.
So now this remote functions just like a Cam Eye except it controls the camera through the A/V port (the kind with a "D" shaped plug). In addition a bite switch/togue switch can be plugged in (into the 2.5mm jack), which allows to utilize the still feature.
Yes! Now it's possible to take stills with those HD cameras while they're recording even if its only 3 shots.
The disadvantage is the remote it self is expensive ($50 plus shipping) and a pain in the ass (long hours, tiny parts) to make the modification. So on the end it cost about $110 to have one ready to jump.
To make the whole remothe suitable for skydiving is very simple. Take it apart, soder in wires paralell with the built in LED's and the shutter release switch.
Cut some plastic out from the original housing to make room for the jack inside. Make a desired lenght of cable with two LED's connected to one end(this one will be the "Cam Eye like" display on your camera sight...) and as I mentioned hook them up paralell with the built in ones.
Please don't ask me for photos, blue prints, and more detailed technical description. Based on what I wrote down you should be able to make it. If this info is not enough for you, that means you don't have experince to work with electronics. So most likely you will brake it as soon as you attempt to make the modification. Everything is super small inside and very hard to work with, without any previous knowlege it's pretty much impossible.

It controls the CX7 as well! I tested it already.(according SonyStyle's site the CX7 is not on the compatible cameras list)

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