
PC 109 for a jump camera?

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Am trying to find a Sony PC style camera, a 1000 would be great-so far all I can locate is a PC-109. I am currently jumping a HCR28 which is pretty junky-it was a temp replacement for my old camera which I was just told is unrepairable. Does the 109 have a LANC port and is it suitable for tandem, outside student and fun jump video applications?

Please let me know if anyone has any experience with it,

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some other cam-flyers use the PC109 at our DZ and they have pretty good results with it.
my only point is that you'll need to have your base with you to transfer the images to any computer in order to edit them.
yes there's a Lanc jack on it.

cheers !
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I have a PC-106 which is a PC-109 without video IN capability. Small, lightweight, long battery life. 60 jumps with no problems. Got LANC and good for sidemount. 25mm thread for wide angle lens.
Bad thing is a docking station, only way to transfer via firewire.
Hope this info is helpfull.

dudeist skydiver #42

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