
Going rate for magazine photos

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I'm looking for info on the going rate for photos placed in magazines. Specifically, in a small regional magazine with a circulation of a few hundred thousand. The photo takes up a 1/3 of a page.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I normally use http://www.gettyimages.com/Editorial/Editorial.aspx for pricing. when this page comes up type in to the search bar "skydiving" (if it's a skydiving image...). After that you can get pricing any of them based on lot of criterias (purpose of use, size of the print, amount of the prints, and etc...) I would select an image what is closest to yours...
PS. you might have to open an accoun there though,
which isn't to hard.

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I just made a quick pricing based on your description. So if it's printed up to 250,000 and if this Magazine comes out weekly, 1/3 page print size, includes the right to publish it on their web site as well, and if it's all for editorial purpose the price would be $435 according with GettyImages.

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