
More frequently asked questions for Camera flyers

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More frequently asked questions for Camera flyers:

This is not intended to be a one stop shop for every question that a camera flyer might have but is more of a general option to use before you use the search funtion in the forum to see if the question has already been asked. This will also grow over time, please reply with a Q and A that can be pasted into the original post.

Q: What type of helmet should I get?
A: The type that fits your head and needs best. Some people have more round faces and perfer the fit of one type over another. If you see that you will be needing to jump just video then you can choose either top or sidemounting. Side mounting larger cameras does increase the odds of a riser strike that could sheer the camera or camera parts off. If you are needing stills and video then you will need to decide to either side mount one and top mount the other or top mount both. If you see the day where you might need to jump more then 1 video camera (most people at comps jump 2 for backup reasons) then top mounting both is the best option. Search the forums for pictures of different set ups and options.

Q: What video camera should I get?
A: This answer is not as simple as a single choice but instead you need to look at factors such as your mounting platform (top or side), do you need High Def or not, is your editing system able to handel AVCHD media, etc. Most camera flyers use Sony cameras for a variety of reasons. The biggest is that they are reliable. Other manufactors might work but in the long haul Sony has proven its worth by standing up to thousands and thousands of freefalls every year. Sony also has the LANC feature that allows you to use a video monitoring indicator. Hard drive and DVD cameras do not work, search for details on this. Flash media and tape based are the best methods for freefall video. Search the forums for the model you are asking about before posting.

Q: What wide angle lens do I need?
A: It once again depends on factors. The camera has a thread size on it thaty ou need to either fit or have step up rings to use to fit. Do not use step down rings. Generally the smaller the number (.3 vs .4) is the wider it will make the image on the TV. A .4-.5 is good for things like outside RW or freefly video, a .2 or .3 is better used for inside video or handcam videos. Tandem videos depend on how far you fly from the tandem. A .3 would work if you take docks the whole time or a .7 could work if you fly 15 feet away. Using too wide of a lens when you are far away makes things appear very small. Best thing to do is to try a few lenses and find one that fits your style.

Q: Do I need a ringsight?
A: Yes and no. If you are needing to shoot video or stills where things are perfectly centered at a distance then yes one helps. If you are shooting video and you don't care what is centered then the need for one is lessened.

Q: What type of ringsight should I use?
A: A Ringsight can be anything from a mark on your goggles to a concentric ringsight mounted in front of your eye. All work, they just differ in level or precision you are able to get with them. Goggles move from jump to jump where as a mounted sight does not. The Cross sight helps center it but a concentric gets to small rings to exactly center it. Use what ever type works for you.

Q: Do I need a record indicator?
A: Yes and no. If you are going a video where you must make sure the video is working then you can either use someone in the plane to tell you it is recording, a mirror to check for your self or a record indicator. If you do not care then one is not needed. Sony Camera's use either LANC or another protocol to work things like Cameye and Hypeye. Search for details on these devices.

Q: What video settings should I use?
A: Read your manual. They all have a different function and each have their place in use. It is up to you to figure out what setting is correct for each situation.

Q: Should I use an Audible?
A: One is highly recommended. It is easy to get distracted in freefall and not look at your altimeter since you are concerned about keeping your team or student centered in the video. An audible helps to remind you of the altitude if you lose track, it should not be relied on since they do fail.

Q: Should I have a cutaway system?
A: One is highly advisible and depending on location might be required. This will allow you to ditch your helmet if you happen to entangle a line on opening or under canopy. Manufactors sell helment specific systems usually.
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Q: Should I use an Audible?
A: One is highly recommended and depending on location might be required. It is easy to get distracted in freefall and not look at your altimeter since you are concerned about keeping your team or student centered in the video. An audible helps to remind you of the altitude if you lose track, it should not be relied on since they do fail.

Q: What (digital) stills camera should I get?
A: Most people jump a Canon EOS DSLR (digi rebel), some Nikon DSLR models also make good freefall stills cameras. Most non-SLR (ie point-and-shoot) models are not suitable for jumping although a select few can be modified to accept a wired remote switch. Search the forums for the model you are asking about before posting.

Q: What lens should I get for my stills camera?
A: Suitable lenses for most Canon and Nikon DSLRs cameras range from 8mm (for real close-ups) to about 20mm (for further away). A good place to start is using the kit lens at 18mm so you can figure out what your needs are. Popular lenses include Canon 15mm fisheye, Sigma 15mm fisheye, Nikon 16mm fisheye, Sigma 10-20mm zoom.

ciel bleu,

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