
Well you talked me out of it!

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Here I sit as an "almost 100 jump wonder" thinking that a micro DVR camera attached to my inside wrist would not hurt, AND HELL, I would get some cool video of me in free fall.

So I searched about beginning camera jumping.

Now I know this topic has been beet to death.
I can tell by most of the canned responses.
After reading through quite a few of them, I deduced the following.
1: [B]Yes,[/B] I could in fact safely jump with a bullet or micro camera attached to my wrist or helmet without fear of entanglement.
2: That I would probably end up concentrating on "getting the shot" as opposed to a safe jump.
Not intentionally mind you, but on a subconscious level.

So after reading all the comments by older wiser jumpers and listening, I will NOT run out and buy a micro camera so I can get some "cool vid of me jumping to share with the family"

This is my way of saying "thanks" to you wizened cynical older jumpers who have heard it all before.


Blue skies,


Ps what do you'll know about WINGSUITS?:ph34r::ph34r:
I have never developed indigestion from eating my words.
Winston Churchill

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I could in fact safely jump with a bullet or micro camera attached to my wrist or helmet without fear of entanglement.

One of the first fatalities I cleaned up after as an S&TA many, many years ago was a 100-jump wonder who had a little still camera attached to his wrist. It got snagged in his lines, and to make a long story short, he went in feet first under a tangled mess of main and reserve fabric.
Good call.


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I'm so glad to hear someone who is wise enough to take all of our advise . And actually listen to us ...
Thanks, and when you get more experience we will (Gladly help) you ..
Blue skies and black panties! :)

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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Kudos for your decision to wait, learn, experience, and enjoy skydiving for a while more before complicating and adding risk to your skydives.


1: Yes, I could in fact safely jump with a bullet or micro camera attached to my wrist or helmet without fear of entanglement.

I have well over 1500 camera jumps and I ALWAYS fear an entanglement. It's part of what keeps me vigilant in my efforts to reduce the possibilities of one as much as possible.:)
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I can get some "cool vid of me jumping to share with the family"

If this is what you want, get someone else to wear the camera - it looks so much better that way and then you will be the star... :PB|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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