
Rebel XTI problem

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I did a quick search and didn't find anything, so if i missed this topic feel free to flame me and link me to the solution...

I just recently had a problem while filming a tandem with my camera "freezing"....(rebel xti if the title didn't give that away). I would take a still, and it would be fine, then go to take another still and it would beep at me, not turn off or anything...to solve it i removed the battery, put it back in (it's a new battery...only 2 months old) and it would work fine. I luckily didn't miss any shots on the tandem, but had it fail again on a fun jump...did the same thing and it worked fine again. anyone know what i'm doin wrong, or if there's a software update i haven't gotten? I use a bite switch and a stroboframe mount if that matters.

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What mode were you in, what settings, what was the error code if any displayed on the camera, etc. In some settings mode if the camera suspects you are shooting way outside its limits it won't take the photo since it can't get an autofocus lock or if the conditions need a appature a lot higher then the lens can do. Has the camera suffered any damage, hard openings, or falls? Loose connections to the switch can do funny things also, have you tried replacing it yet?

There is not near enough info to figure out the issue at this point.
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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We have a girl with a xsi with the cheap kit lens at our club and I she showed me exactly this problem. I know it happend to her more than once.
I dont know whats the cause, but it seems it is kind of "normal" :-(



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I used to have an XT that did that a couple times and I have an XTi that has done that a couple times. Luckily I don't think I've lost any pictures because of it. Had it happen on the ground not too long ago right before boarding. No error code or anything... camera won't respond and won't shut off (the green power light stays on). Pulling the battery out and putting it back in always fixes it for me. Doesn't happen often, but seems pretty random when it does. I think it has something to do with the tongue switch but I don't really know.


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Sounds a lot like the old ERR99 problem to me, no?

Not using an older sigma lens? Tried cleaning the contacts on the lens? Try taping up the camera so the lens cannot move at all in relation to the body. Try taping a plastic bag all round the camera.

ciel bleu,

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sorry i didn't post more info. i had the camera both in sports mode, and TV mode the 2 times it has happened. no error code, lense connections were cleaned (as i normally do this once a month) and the lense was taped down....it just kinda froze up, power light was on even in the "off" position.

Also, if you'd try to take a picture, it just sort of beeps at you...almost like it's trying to auto focus (which was turned off) and just not getting the right settings it needed to...so i'd take the battery out, put it back in, and it'd work, with absolutely 0 of the settings changed.:|

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I don’t know if what you are describing is the same exact thing some of the rest of us are experiencing. I have never had my xti “take a still, and it would be fine, then go to take another still and it would beep at me, not turn off or anything...” I have had my xti freeze up several times, green power light on, LCD screen off, camera unresponsive, resetting the battery always fixes the problem. From this experience it is my theory that this freeze is triggered by: first having the camera on with a shutter switch (factory made mouth switch of some type) plugged in, and then allowing the camera to time out and auto shut down. My camera does not freeze often, nor nearly every time I subject it to the above situation. However, I am fairly certain that this has been the situation ea time it has froze.

I am also fairly certain that this has never happened when using my home made hand shutter switch, which is a completely open circuit on all three contacts until the button is pushed. This, along with the complications of a mouth switch and an O2 mask, is why I use the hand switch for HALO videos. Of course I also make sure not to allow the camera to time out on such jumps. I have a terrible habit of checking the battery and card capacity on the ground, then forgetting to turn the thing off, on normal jumps.

Not for sure if this relates to you, hope it helps someone.

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I've had mine, a standard XT, kill two CF cards. Maybe due to low battery power?!? I dunno. Once it was turned on with the bite switch jack inserted only have way, after a quick turn off ERR99 and the CF card was dead.

A few weeks ago everything is fine taking pictures on the ground, still snapping pictures under canopy. Once the ground ERR99 another dead CF card.

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