
Some Ignorant Newbie Questions

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Hey all,

Its gonna be about 6 weeks before I'm at any DZ so this is the best way to get these questions answered.

I just bought some used gear.
The main is a Hornet 210.
Question 1 is simply:

Does anyone know if the manufacturer will still do work on it like new lines etc seeing as they no longer manufacture the Hornet?

Question 2 is:

At 186 jumps on this canopy, when do I (if ever) need to worry about new lines?

I ask because I see canopies for sale stating that they have X jumps with new lines done at X jumps.
Is this just for ones that break or do they wear out after 300 (for example) jumps or what?

Question 3 is:

I have not even unpacked this canopy yet (no room here, I dont know how to pro pack yet) but when I do, is there a tag or label with the DOM and other info like the type of lines etc?
Buying used as a newbie is kind of a leap of faith (pardon the pun)
As far as the claimed number of jumps on the canopy, I have no choice but to take the sellers word. For the info that I CAN verify, I would like to do so :)



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I got a hornet. As PISA have been taken over, Aerodyne will supply you with support / line sets etc as long as you have the canopy. Line sets usually last about 400 jumps (give or take). Replace when very fuzzy or out of trim. The DOM should be on the warning label on the centre cell at the back. Line type will be 825 lb Spectra (at least that's what's on mine).
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Does anyone know if the manufacturer will still do work on it like new lines etc seeing as they no longer manufacture the Hornet?

PISA megred with Aerodyne, and the 'new' Aerodyne company will support the products formerly produced by PISA... online here


At 186 jumps on this canopy, when do I (if ever) need to worry about new lines?

There are generally two conditions that require canopies to be relined... one is wear on the lines, the other is shrinkage that places the lines out of trim beyond certain specs...

The Hornet has Spectra lines, and spectra does shrink, Aerodyne should be able to provide you info regarding how much out of trim is too much... and a qualified rigger of your choice should be able help you determine when the lines have worn enough to require replacing... could be anywhere between 200 and 600 jumps... YMMV


but when I do, is there a tag or label with the DOM and other info like the type of lines etc?

Yes, there's a tag that has the DOM, type of canopy, size of canopy, company that mfg'd the canopy...etc. Usually located on the top skin of the center cell at the tail of the canopy.

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Agree 100% with CrazyIvan.

There is a panel or printing on the main canopy that will tell you it's dom, its model and size, and the serial number. Linesets won't be a problem, just see your local rigger. Different lines wear out at different rates. Kevlar wears faster than Spectra. The brake lines wear faster than the centre B & C Lines. They don't normally snap, but the outer lines take friction heat as the slider comes down, and they get shorter than the onner lines. This changes the shape of canopy, and new linesets are often fitted as a mix of maintenance for wearing lines, and to retrim the canopy back to original spec.

If you haven't already had a rigger a check this kit out, please do so before you jump it - I'd invest in a reserve repack too to ensure it is all sound inside.

Have fun.
Rich M

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Agree 100% with CrazyIvan.

There is a panel or printing on the main canopy that will tell you it's dom, its model and size, and the serial number. Linesets won't be a problem, just see your local rigger. Different lines wear out at different rates. Kevlar wears faster than Spectra. The brake lines wear faster than the centre B & C Lines. They don't normally snap, but the outer lines take friction heat as the slider comes down, and they get shorter than the onner lines. This changes the shape of canopy, and new linesets are often fitted as a mix of maintenance for wearing lines, and to retrim the canopy back to original spec.

If you haven't already had a rigger a check this kit out, please do so before you jump it - I'd invest in a reserve repack too to ensure it is all sound inside.

Have fun.

Will do. I'm having cypres installed, reserve repacked, and a thorough inspection prior to jumping it :)

Thanks all for the info!


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