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looks like they took the ear padding design from their early Military MT3 helmet and incorporated it into the mindwarp. Slight material change but fundamentally the same.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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The question came up in the other thread about this helmet, because of the dual audio pockets and how that part tends to stick out a little, will it be possible to stick a d-box on the side or will that little hump make it more difficult (not like i care, I still have 200 jumps to go before using a camera)
I'm just curious.

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The question came up in the other thread about this helmet, because of the dual audio pockets and how that part tends to stick out a little, will it be possible to stick a d-box on the side or will that little hump make it more difficult (not like i care, I still have 200 jumps to go before using a camera)

not really... i have a l bracket on mine and it works just fine... had to use a few washers to get the sighting i wanted though, but that varies between every person.... only thing i don't like is that my audible moves around when i turn my helmet upside down and such when i'm not wearing it..... the old one sided buldge looks like it had more room, that if it did move aroud it wouldn't push on your ear as much.. i do like though how it covers more forhead area than the older styles...... only down side is... the face is too narow.. at least on mine i have to use a dffrent style of googles (flexz) than i'm normalylike to get a good seal because the helmet isn't wide enough to fit thicker gogles...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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