
PC 109 to Macbook

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I just purchased a new Macbook and am having the time of my life trying to figure out how to get the thing to recognize my PC109 so that i can download some video. Is there a special program that I need to run or a secret that someone can pass along? I am new to the Mac thing and am still trying to figure this thing out.


Have Rig will travel ...

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You're not giving much to go on (what software, which connection, what do you see/not see). But I'll point out the obvious first.

Connect the camera with Firewire only (USB won't work). Connect camera first, turn on camera second, and then open your video editing/capture software.

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iMovie will recognize the PC109 automagically, but (as Phil points out) if it's connected via the firewire port. I found that sometimes I needed to open iMovie, then toggle on and off the camera for it to detect it.

If you have one of the new Macs that does not have a firewire port, I'm not 100% sure how you would connect it. PM me if that's the case, I can ask around if no one else chimes in with the correct answer.
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That is the case, i do have one of the new Macbooks with no fire wire port. I tried the USB and as you guys have said, no luck. I have no special software on it yet as i am having a hard time figuring out what to get.

Have Rig will travel ...

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I remember seeing on the MacInTouch website (http://www.macintouch.com) a discussion running about the new MacBooks and their lack of firewire ports. It specifically discussed the issue of downloading from video cameras that only have firewire ports. I don't recall of the solution involved a Firewire to USB adapter or what. The MacInTouch site is pretty well laid out and you should be able to search for and find the discussion there.

Hope this helps.


p.s. Congrats on your new MacBook. I checked them out at the Apple Store when they came out. Nice machines.

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I didn't know the new MacBooks didn't have firewire. But I think this would make me question them as a good choice for a video editing system. Even if I had a card-based camera, I would still want a firewire port for external hard drives to capture video to. Just my too sense. I would love to hear of any solution you come up with, or anyone else's experience using one of these for NLE.

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I just bought a new MacBook ( used mainly for work ) It never dawned on me to look for the fire wire port because my past machines all had it , So i try to hook up my HC90 and my PC105 and zippo , So now i don't really have any options for a camcorder , Tape based needs fire wire , Hard Drives don't work well for skydiving and Card based media doesn't work well on a mac, Are there any options out there for me or do i just settle on using my old cameras on my old Ibook .

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I just bought a new MacBook ( used mainly for work ) It never dawned on me to look for the fire wire port because my past machines all had it , So i try to hook up my HC90 and my PC105 and zippo , So now i don't really have any options for a camcorder , Tape based needs fire wire , Hard Drives don't work well for skydiving and Card based media doesn't work well on a mac, Are there any options out there for me or do i just settle on using my old cameras on my old Ibook .

Card based cams work fine on a Mac. They will just be slower on ingest (but it shouldn't be any slower than the real-time ingest of tape-based systems).

Sounds like you need either a new camera or a new computer. Personally, I would go with a newer card-based camera. You will not have a super speedy system*, but you will be shooting HD and can always upgrade your computer later.

*The lack of firewire bothers me not just for ingesting DV or HDV, but for not being able to hook-up a decent external hard drive on a separate buss. The basic Macbooks (non-Pros) not only have no FW, but also no SATA option. IMHO, a decent editing system would keep all media on an external hard drive using one of those protocols.

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They still sell the white MacBook with Firewire, but they did update the bus speeds to 1066mhz. So just throw in some more memory and upgrade the hard drive and you have a decent system. With Firewire. That is why I am glad I got a MacBook before they scrapped the Firewire 400. As DSE has mentioned before, using XP in boot camp can overcome the speed issue with card based cameras if you want to edit natively in AVCHD. Also, with the faster bus speeds you might have some luck using Adobe Premier in OSX. It supports native editing of AVCHD. As far as XP you can find volumes of DSE talking about Vegas. I ordered a copy of Movie Studio Platinum, but the disc was bad so I have to wait to get another copy from Sony :|. Good luck and hopefully USB works ok as a scratch disk. Oh you can pick up an OEM full version of XP for $150 on Tigerdirect.

Sky Canyon Wingsuiters

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It has FW800 doesn't it? Is there a way to use FW 400 in the 800 port? Cable adapter or something?

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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