New JVC cam

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Not optimal for most skydiving but it is an interesting cam.
1/4" sensors, still CCD (JVC owns a lot of stock in a CCD manufacturer) but it's got high end Fuji glass, 1080p internal processing, 34Mbps, and records ISO Base to SDHC cards, but also is the first camera to offer in-camera conversion to proprietary Final Cut formats.
It's about the same size as the Sony A1/HC1 camcorders, but at 35Mbps, a lot more robust.
4K retail.

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Audio module isn' removable like the A1, so that's a downside, but it hasn't had an impact on me with the EX1 or the Z7 (although I wish they weren't there).

Looks like a good entry-level cam for commercial skydiving work, but haven't jumped one myself.

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