
Camera wings in a tunnel?

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I'd not jump camera wings for a long time yet. They are a whole new ball game. You'd be adding to many variables . A freefly suit will work nicely after you have enough experience to actually jump a camera .
Be safe not sorry! Learn to fly your body and be comfortable in any position with that then maybe later add a video camera with a cameye and no ring site .Ring site gives another snag point and is another distraction.

A friend will bail you out of jail , a REAL friend will be sitting next to you in the cell slapping your hand saying "DUDE THAT WAS AWSUM " ................

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They may wanna look over your jumpsuit real good to make sure any wing clips can't come loose. They're kinda particular about things hitting their fans.

Beyond that it is a great idea. For RW, pick spots in the screen to dive down to and/or slide sideways and down to and practice getting there very quickly and precisely (think of stopping with your nose a few inches away from your target). Or have someone fly under you so you can practice actually flying in the burble rather than just getting out of a burble whenever you feel yourself in one.

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....any reason not to?

Maybe. I see it this way, the wings are there to provide you with recovery and power. They give you a whole bunch of surface area to work with so you can move around your subject with authority. They also offer a 'safety net' in that if you should get caught in a burble, you can use the added lift of the wings to either fly out of it, or lessen the closing speed before you land on top of what you're filming.

The trouble is that all that manuverability and power can be a very dangerous thing inside of the tunnel. If they set the speed at an average fall rate, with your wings you could easily shoot waaay up in the tunnel, or bounce yourself off the wall pretty hard.

If they slow the speed down so you have less air to work with, you'll have to fly with your wings fully inflated, and you'll loose much of the advantage that the wings provide. You might as well loose the wings, and just fly in the tunnel without them.

It's all that extra speed and power, in a confined space, that might not be a good idea if you don't have alot of time flying camera wings. Just for reference, when I say 'alot' of time, I mean more jumps with wings than you have jumps total.

I guess it's really up to you and the people running the tunnel. I have to imagine that anyone who shows up with camera wings, and no camera or subject to film might meet some resistance from the management.

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This is exactly how I got started with wings. Tunnel at Perris was cool with it once they checked me and my wings out thoroughly. Tunnel in Ogden, Utah won't allow it.[:/]
Tunnel instructor flew beneath me, used his arms beneath me, created burbles of all sorts, then flew over/under me, worked on sideslides and forward motion with hard stops, plus using wings in serious range. They kept the fans down a bit, so it took some real work to get high, but it worked.
I'm a big fan of using a tunnel to gain some understanding of how wings work, just know that some tunnels won't allow it. And depending on your gear, they shouldn't. An RSL clip coming off could do some serious damage. Same does for the risk element if you hit the net and the RSL or Fastex caught it.

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I would fly at least 5 mins In the tunnel without wings and than ask the instructors opion about your skill level. After that have the instructor talk to the manager and if cleared get some more time.

Retired Tunnel Instructor, Sky/Tunnel Coach

Former dealer for 2k Composites, Skysystems, Alti-2, Wings

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Appreciate the feedback guys.

Have done about 20 jumps so far filming 4 ways etc. and been getting advice n feedback from the experienced crew at the DZ.
(No ringsight, just a marker on the googles.)

Have done a few solo's learning how camera wings work, but with no relative reference to know what's doing what so to say, I just thought that since I have the chance to play in a tunnel it could be a good way to learn.

I'll definately do some time first without the wings as I did wonder about how much more likely I'd be to pinball around the tunnel walls. B|

Will most likely come back with a few bruises, but that'll be half the fun. ;)



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Well I had an absolute blast in the tunnel on saturday.
Still grinning from ear to ear.

Did 70min worth over about 4hrs.
Before putting the wings on I started of with 5 x 2 min flat.
Then 5 x 2 min back flying and goofing off.

Put the wings on and did a 2min session, no worries at all, felt comfortable straight away.
Then did a 5min session where I messed about as if I was filming RW's (flat) then tandems (hanging off the wings) which I got recorded onto dvd.
Was great to be able spend more than just 60sec trying to get a feel for the wings and not have to think about everything else associated with a skydive and just focus on what I was doing.

Learn sh*tloads and had absolute ball.

Came out with a few bruises, but that was from being a clown backflying. B|

F**k I'm sore today. :D

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