
What Linear editing Board to buy?

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Any quicker and I would forego actually seeing what the customer sees.

The camera's on your head, so you know what you're recording. I'm sure after doing as many video jumps as you have, you've got a pretty good idea what the customer's going to see from your camera.

If you were editing another jumper's video, however, you don't need to watch the video at 1x speed to know what's on the screen. You can 'scrub' through and see what's on screen through the entire video in about 15-30 secs.


(BTW, I don't think you can get a good mix of audio levels without hearing the actual audio. You can monitor audio with an NLE system, but again, you'll have to actually listen to the finished product, not just look at rubberbands).

You don't need to listen to the entire audio sequence. I use visual audio levels that I see on the timeline, then verify by selecting important areas and listening to those briefly (Like 4 seconds going from music to in-plane interview at altitude). It takes very little time. Then I can jump to the next spot by clicking further down the timeline (Where we go from music to just-landed interview).

Once the video's been burned I encourage the jumper to take their new DVD and watch it on our TV. That works great for QC. I can listen to the DVD and watch their responses while I'm editing other videos.

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Here is a link to a short video stream that shows Parachutist's workflow in action.

Well yesterday my first real test. For the most part the boards were beating me by 5 to 6 minutes. But when I was on a back to back and captured 2 jumps at once that time was diminished. If I had memory stick camera I could see keeping up with them no problem. Thanks for all your help DSE
Never give the gates up and always trust your rears!

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I'm using Sony Vegas Platinum 9.0. DV footage.

When I render using the "make a movie" button, the program separates the audio and video files, but then allows the footage to be automatically imported into DVD architect via a handy pop-up screen when the render is finished.

When I choose "render as" and select Mpeg-2, the audio and video files are not separated. I assume this file can also be imported into DVD architect, although I haven't tested that theory.

What is the purpose of separating the audio and video files? Is there some efficiency or quality reason for doing so? It seems that things would be much nicer if you could just work with one combined audio/video file.

Thanks for any help!

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No, I want to keep the audio with the video. Vegas separates the files into Mpeg-2 (video) and .ac3 (audio) before going into DVD architect. I'm curious why it does that. It would make things much easier for online uploading if they weren't separated during the rendering process.

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Thanks! I'll re-phrase:

Does anyone know if there is any loss in quality through using a combined audio/video Mpeg-2 file made through the "Render As" option, rather than using a separated audio/video Mpeg-2 and ac3 file made using the "Make DVD" option?

In either case the final output will be BOTH a DVD and an online upload (encoded to flash video format). (The combined Mpeg-2 will make things much easier for the online upload.)

I'm also still curious why Sony would make the separated Mpeg-2 and ac3 file output the "default" when rendering for DVD. Is that configuration standard with other video editing software?

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For greatest compatibility, streams (whether PCM or AC3) are separate from each other. It's not Sony, it's standard. However, some apps make this process invisible.
This is one of the features that (as Phree suggests) allows for multiple audio streams such as director commentaries or other languages to be added.
in the Pro version, you can direct the app to render both to the same name, same folder with one button. The consumer version doesn't offer this option.

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