
Vegas Pro 8 rendering options

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What settings are preferred when "making movie" in Vegas Pro 8 Plat? I am shooting in HD, and am confused about settings and formats and bitrate choices. I am looking for minimal quality loss quickest possible redering time.

Let me know if I left any information out.

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Assuming you're in the USA-
NTSC Widescreen template. Leave the bitrate as-is.
AC3 audio

Leave bitrate alone.
If you want to play, however...you can render as high as 9Mbps. You can legally go higher, but there are some media types and some players that can't manage high bitrate.
6.5-8Mbps is ideal for skydiving and most outputs.

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While on the subject of VegasPro rendering setup, I’ve got two quick queries:

1. For mp4 (iPod format) there are two choices: Main Concept or Sony AVC. Is one really better?
2. For “Project Properties” what’s the best setting for a UK PAL-M user with Sony CX6 (PAL). My output uses are either
a. iPod
b. best quality web format
c. highest quality to store/archive a vid for future use
d. burn to Blu-ray

Also, I’ve got the VASST discs and on the first one it says for the “good” or “best” setting it’s not always better to choose the “best”. I haven’t found the answer on the other discs.

Thanks for the help.
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mp4 isn't iPod format; iPod simply accepts it as the container for what they'll play in specific dimension. Were the iPod a true mp4 playback device, it could handle mp4 in scalable sizes...
Anyway...MainConcept only for iPod.

640 x 360 is your best go for an iPod.
1280 x 720 for web
1920 x 1080 for archive
1920 x 1080 (or 1440 x 1080) for BD burn.
"BEST" is rarely the best option, unless you've got a LOT of compositing going on. If you choose Best, not only will it resample every frame and grossly slow down renders, it will also bring to light any specific ugliness that "good" will allow to pass. It's actually a fairly complex question/answer given the four render quality options. Pixel blending is optimized in "Good." That's the fastest rendering speed, too, and why it's a default.

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