
Estimate price for a hawkeye

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I'm thinking of getting http://www.ukskydiver.co.uk/cms/forums/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=16165

It is a hawkeye - I believe the manufacturer has gone out of business. The guy who is selling it has a pc120e in it - I'm planning on putting a pc105e in. The 105 is quite a bit smaller than the 120 but he says he's got the original bracket which hopefully should fit.

I'm a total camera newb so 2 questions:
1) How much roughly is it worth? (just the helmet)
2) Can you see any cons?


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cheers for the reply.

I saw someone else on ukskydiver who said he picked it up for around the same price as you did.

-however, I do not know how much the added cutaway system etc makes?

just trying to figure out if I can get a good deal out of this one, or if I should get something new and shiny :)

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