
Which wide angle for Canon 350D? Help!!

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If you want to go wider then the 18-55 and keep autofocus you only have a few options.

Sigma 15 Fisheye
Canon 14
Sigma 14
Canon 10-22
Sigma 10-20

Tamaron makes a few lenses in this range too but they tend to be on the heavier side. The lightest of the above lenses is the Sigma/Canon Fisheye and the 14mm Aspherical lenses are the heaviest by far.

If you can drop the Autofocus your options open up to the Peleing lenses but you need to know how to shoot in full manual on the camera in order to be able to use that type of lens.
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The Sigma 15 is a sweet lens if you like the slightly warped look to the horizion. I don't mind the fish eye look but in my opinion it has its application but for every photo its a bit of an overkill. If you don't want the fisheye look then the 10-20/10-22 is the better option unless you are looking for super fast glass for night shots. If you need fast glass that is not a fisheye then the Canon/Sigma 14's are the way to go.
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I don't know about pfree, but I never use auto focus. I set my camera to manual and make lighting adjustments on the ground. If you use auto focus the camera could decide to be an electronic bitch and try and focus on the sky rather than the object you prefer.


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Thank you, I will. Do you also agree with sigma 15?

My experience with many Sigma 15's is that they're crap compared to a Canon 15. If you want sharp images, spend the extra $100 and get the Canon over the Sigma. If you're just shooting tandems and don't care about the quality of the photos, Sigma is adequate.

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IMO a Lens with good USM will focus very well on the subject and almost never focuses on the background. Use all the focus points and you are good to go.

Manual focus is almost always a little soft, which isnt what I want from my photos.

Personally for an allaround lens I would go for a tokina 11-16 or a Canon 10-22.

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IMO a Lens with good USM will focus very well on the subject and almost never focuses on the background. Use all the focus points and you are good to go.

Manual focus is almost always a little soft, which isnt what I want from my photos.

Personally for an allaround lens I would go for a tokina 11-16 or a Canon 10-22.

I agree with this. Auto focus works well in the plane for close-ups as well as in the air. I use the Cannon 15 EF lens on my XT for free fall shots (this gives the result of a 22mm wide-angle because of the small sensor) and I can use it on my 5DII on the ground for really nice fish eye. I have not convinced myself yet that it would be prudent to put the 5DII on my helmet and jump with it. It is way too expensive and I periodically PLF on landings as necessary :P The XT has been holding up very well to the abuse.

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