
Hypeye D Pro problem.

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Sony CX7 on a Tonfly Fuego Pro.
Hypeye D Pro mounted internally (with expansion kit).

I have used my Hypeye (factory fitted) for about 170 jumps, turning it on to film the jump and again for landing. (I.e. leaving it on blue "standby" mode between the two.)

Yesterday, when I went to turn the unit on for landing, I noticed that the indicator light was unlit and nothing happened when I pressed the button. I didn't persevere as, obviously, I was landing...

I didn't think anything of it, but today when I was in the plane, the hypeye would not turn the camera on at all. I jumped without camera on. Next jump, the camera turns on fine for the jump, but same problem under canopy - light off, no response.

The jack seems OK, and most of the time on the ground the problem cannot be recreated. I have done the obvious - clean connections, check jack etc. I tried another camera on the ground, with which there were no problems (but then, mine seemed fine on the ground too).

Sorry for the long post, but any ideas?

My helmet is going in for some work this week and I'd like to sort it or at least identify the problem by then!



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I can't give you any advice on what is wrong with it but i will tell you that when i had a problem with my original hypeye, Trunk hooked me up with a new one very quickly. He posts on here as Bomb420 so he may see this and answer your question for you.:)

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I have the same problem on mine Tom. I've noticed that the d plug is loose in the d port, causing the fault to appear intemittantly. I think that's the problem.

Either connections on the port or on the plug are loose. Other hypeyes work fine on the camera and other cameras work fine with the hypeye so it's difficult to determine which needs replacing.

That said, the error did show up when I tried the hypeye on a well used PC1000, which it's not supposed to work with so I don't know how applicable that is.

I have about the same number of jumps on the unit too, perhaps a few more - 2-300.

Any ideas trunk?

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More investigating has shown that it was the port on my camera that was faulty.

I have since missed footage from 3 or 4 nice jumps because I have not correctly turned the camera on manually.

Most of the time I am getting it right, but it is not easy!

I'll check my warranty papers when I get home. Maybe it is time to save some cash and "upgrade" to a 105!



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The Hypeye will turn on the CX7 in the same way it will turn on the 105. I'm confused about the "turn on manually" aspect of your statement. Whether you use the Hypeye or the on/off switch, an action to power up the camera is required. It can't simply know to turn on when it reaches a specific altitude (although that would be cool, and IS doable).

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Sounds like it can be either the cable or the jack on the camera. Let's hope its the cable. Send me your contact information @ support(at)gethypoxic.com and I can replace the 'D' cable for you and rule that out.


Received today. Thanks for your help and outstanding service. Lets hope it fixes it. Either way I appreciate your help trying to resolve this issue.

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