
Canon EF 28mm f/2.8 VS EF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 IS

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I currently have a EF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 IS lens on my Rebel XSi. It is nice but I would prefer if it would be a little bit wider.

I use it for tandems. I would like to know if the EF 28mm f/2.8 would be an upgrade.

I have read many posts and several people recommend this lens but I am wondering if the FOV is as large as on the 18-55mm.

I don't want to have a smaller FOV only to have a small increase in picture quality.

I know that some other lenses are a lot better and have a wider FOV but I am looking for a lens that weight about the same as the 18-55 (190g). The 28mm weight 185g and the 24mm f2.8 270g.



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The smallest number is your widest focal length.
ergo; 18mm is more wide than a 28mm.
If you want more width, either you must step back/fly further back, or look at a lens that has a shorter focal length than 18mm. Many here fly 15mm lenses, some fly aspherical 10mm.
IMO, the 18 is plenty wide for most tandem work, but I do prefer a 15mm.
However, there are few lenses as lightweight as the 18-55 that came with your camera body. The Canon 15mm is 330 grams, or nearly double the weight.

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Anyone recommending a 28mm lens is probably using either a film camera or a full frame (big and/or expensive) digital camera. The FOV of the 28 on a film camera is about the same as the 18mm on your XSi.

Might look into the canon 10-22 or the sigma 15.


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The 28 and 24 were very popular when film photography was the norm (still is for those few still shooting film). The 28mm on your crop body would look like a 45mm on a film/FF camera.

I don't believe you'll be able to find anything lighter than your 18-55, at least not anything of any quality. Like Spot said, the 15mm is popular for crop shooters if you really need something wider. Or a zoom like Dave suggested, either the 10-22 made by canon or the 12-24 made by sigma. The prime (15mm) is a faster lens, so if you are at least staying at the roughly 2 stops above wide open in av mode to keep sharp images you should have a little more latitude for your shutter speed.

Personally I think the rebel with the 18-55 is an excellent combo for tandem photography. They can provide excellent results with the right settings and they are very light.

Hope that helps...

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>but I am looking for a lens that weight about the same as the 18-55 (190g).

I doubt you will find anything like that. I often use the Canon EF-S 10-22, which is a great lens for bigways and RW. However, it's heavier (380g) and pricey ($600.)

So if your question is "is there a light, cheap, really good lens that's wider than 18mm" that may be hard to find.

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