
lens upgrade

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Am new to forums, new to jumping with a camera on my helmet. I use it mainly to keep track of stuff for my log-book and just to see what happens... so I'm not actually flying the camera, just wearing one, however I have noticed I need a wider angle lens.
I did try using the search feature but seem to have a more specific question than I could glean an answer for that way so I pose the following...
I have a jvc GR DVM90, nothing special, not a first choice, but for the money I can learn some tearing this one up with but a small investment. Underneath the lens reads "f=3.8~38mm F1.8 O 27" SO... does this mean any 38mm wide angle or fish-eye lens will screw into the front wear the protective cover is? Or as always is it not going to be that simple?
have safe, be fun

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