
Backup to external drive software

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I wrote some software that backs up files from one location on a disk to another location on a disk. You guys are welcome to use it.

I didn't know where to post this but I suspect that you guys are the most likely to have computers and probably large amounts of data (Photography and video) that you back up to network locations/external drives on a regular basis.

I wrote this because I cant find any other software that does what my program does. When you use windows explorer to copy and paste a folder, if you encounter an error the whole copy operation is aborted.

If you use windows explorer to add/change files in your source directory then you have to copy the entire folder to the backup drive again. With my software only the files you added/changed get copied so it is very fast to backup an entire drive.

The software is small (small enough to send through email) and you are welcome to use it. It should run in Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server as long as you have Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 installed (part of the windows updates for the last few years)

I attached a screen shot of the software doing its thing.

Let me know if you are interested:


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Take a look at SyncToy from Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c26efa36-98e0-4ee9-a7c5-98d0592d8c52&DisplayLang=en It will do what you are looking for and it maintians index files the entire time so it is really fast in terms if determining if files are added/changed/deleted.
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I've been using synctoy as well and it seems to work just fine. I think there are 3 different setting...mirror the copied source (so it will remove what was removed from the source and add what was added), shit and 2 other ones that I can't think of. I've been using the one where it just updates what was added but doesn't remove anything. Did I confuse anyone?
my pics & stuff!

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Its options are Syncronize, Echo and Contribute.

Sync makes the content From Folder 1 appear in Folder 2 and anything in Folder 2 that was not in Folder 1 is copied back to Folder 1 also.

Echo will add any new files from Folder 1 to Folder 2 and it will also update any modifications or deletions in Folder 2 so it matches Folder 1.

Contribute will add any new files from Folder 1 to Folder 2 and if there are any modifications to existing files they are updated but this option will not delete any files.

I usually use Echo or Contribute as my options to make sure that the folders stay with the files I want them to have.
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im impressed with the work you have done, but i think it could have been done easier.

this is the file that makes a backup of my jumptrackfiles.
its a bat-file that takes ~4 seconds to copy the files.
it only copies new/changed files.

cd /d "C:\Program Files\Jump-Track 3"

start /wait Jumptrack.exe
robocopy /E "C:\Users\Hellis\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Jump-Track 3" "E:\Jump-Track 3"

it starts the jumptrack software and waits till i shut it down (when i have added the new jumps), and then it copies the files to a SD-card.
simple and effective.

i belive you could use the same thing for copying videofiles

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