
Blu Ray discs

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Going to be using a cx100 soon and looking forward to burning footage onto a blu ray disc.

I went out to look how much these disc's were going for and was very suprised with how much some places were charging.

Just wanted to know if any of you have found a good place to buy thses discs for a reasonable price? Im even prepared to buy in bulk if it makes the price better.


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They're just not cheap right now, neither were CD-R's, DVD-R's, or DVD-R DL's when they first came out (but none of them were quite this pricey).

There are plenty of other ways you can watch your HD content in the meantime, unless you were really set on selling/distributing discs to people. I either put footage on my laptop and HDMI-out it to the TV, or I stream/transfer it from my PC to PS3.

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There won't be a "cheap" resource for a while. Supply exceeds demand.
You can also burn HD to a DVD5 for playback on any BD player less than 18 months old. They'll also playback on PS3.

I've tried doing that with single movies in Vegas Pro 9... and although it appeared to work when I did it a year ago it doesn't seem to work anymore in my Samsung BD-P1500. Despite the fact that it appears to support AVCHD which I assume it what is needed.

Is there a trick in Vegas/DVD Architect to generate DVD-5s with BD content?
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I will loook into the dvd5 but thanks everyone for all of your responses. Blue ray is the way i want to go however being able to supply HD quality to both blu ray player and normal dvd players might be a good half way point until the price falls a little more.


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>Blue ray is the way i want to go however being able to supply HD
>quality to both blu ray player and normal dvd players . . .

Just to be clear, you can burn HD content to a DVD with a DVD writer; it will then play back in HD on a Blu-Ray player. The same content will _not _ play back on a regular DVD player.

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