
Opinions on laptops for editing

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I'm getting ready to buy a laptop for video editing. I'm shooting a CX100, editing with Sony Vegas 9. Most of my shooting is staff stuff, so a fast turn around is important. I've spoken to several vidiots with a lot more smarts about computers than me and with that I've found 2 systems that seem to fit the mold.

Wondering if I can get some opinions on each system, comparing the two, also opinions on these two for my needs in general, and suggestions in general.

This one, upgraded to 6GB RAM http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=dndotw1&c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&kc=studio-1747

And this one - http://www.frys.com/product/6054468?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG

Thanks for the help!
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Getting an internal BD vs external, IMO, just isn't worth the cost. Externals are getting cheaper/faster, and internals aren't.
you won't be burning a lot of BD discs for a while anyway, if ever. And, BD content can be burned to a standard DVD 5. I'm a big fan of HD on DVD, but none of my laptops have BD built in either. My desktops do.

As far as the machines you spec'd, either will be fine. It truly is more about the configuration of the machine moreso than the CPU, although the fastest CPU, more RAM, and as many external ports (USB, Firewire, SATA) is valuable. Keeping it cool is also very valuable. With a fast proc, consider a cooling mat.

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Not that I know if it would be an issue for you, but neither of those systems will burn Blu-ray.

You could upgrade the Dell, but again, that might not even be something you are looking for.

Thanks for pointing that out. Probably not interested at this point, but video in general is probably headed that way.

Any opinion on these laptops?
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Not that I know if it would be an issue for you, but neither of those systems will burn Blu-ray.

You could upgrade the Dell, but again, that might not even be something you are looking for.

Thanks for pointing that out. Probably not interested at this point, but video in general is probably headed that way.

Any opinion on these laptops?

For what it's worth, I'm using an HP very close to what you've got spec'd out and it's doing great so far. Not on Sony Vegas Pro yet, still on studio and we've probably edited 150-200 videos with it since getting it. It works pretty well all in all so far. The eSata is the bomb!! Super fast!!

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It truly is more about the configuration of the machine moreso than the CPU

Can you expand on that.

BTW, do you happen to have a VAAST video that covers the best way to set up a system for editing, best practices for importing, editing, output, etc?
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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No video on the setup/import, etc, just the vids for Vegas, FCP, Premiere, etc. The Vegas discs cover all the import/capture you'd want to know...but nothing about machine setup.

Basically, get your system set up so nothing is running in the background. Antivirus in particular can be a big headache, in most cases.
Keep the system mean and clean. Get a tech to help you get it going if you're not a computer maven.
In some cases, I'll simply wipe the machine of everything installed and then reinstall windows only for best results.

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