Javelin Main Cover Blows Open When Upright.

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The main pack tray's top flap protector on my Javelin Odyssey (J-5 containing Safire 209,d.o.m. April, 2002, with 265 total jumps on it) blows open frequently when I fly upright, leaving it flapping wildly and exposing my pin. I route the bridle per the owner's manual and have tightened my closing loop to the point that I can only close the rig with a Powertool, and it still blows open. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks.


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Hmmm... original Safire or Safire 2? The J5 is built for "up to 240 sq ft" zp mains. It's possible the main is too small to fill the container up enough to keep the tab tucked in (did that make any sense at all??).

If you could, please post and let us know what Sunpath says. I'm curious! :)

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Hmmm... original Safire or Safire 2? The J5 is built for "up to 240 sq ft" zp mains. It's possible the main is too small to fill the container up enough to keep the tab tucked in (did that make any sense at all??).

That sounds like a problem one of our local jumpers had after downsizing to a canopy smaller than the container was built for. there is a fix for it, involving a larger chunk of stiffener for the bottom main flap, I think. SunPath will hook you up, or it can be done by the rigger here (maybe any master rigger).

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Thanks to everyone. Will print out these ideas and take to my rigger. Also, will post what SunPath says when they get back to me after their holiday. Never considered that my main might be on the small end of the pack volume range for the container. It sure looks like it fills the container up.


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I had that problem with my reflex what I did was put the tuck tab between just the 2 side flaps and not under the 3rd flap (top flap) so the tab was pinched between the side flaps and the top flap. Worked like a charm, but when you get a pin check in the plane you have to make sure you tell the person how to reclose it or they will stuff it under all 3 flaps.
Fly it like you stole it!

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Some good responses but keep the following in mind.
1. The reserve size and how the reserve is packed will affect the main flap staying secure.
2. The main closing length will also have an affect.
3. DO NOT add any tuck tabs without the manufacturers approval. It may work a million times in the field, but if the mfr. didn't approve it, it's not a legal modification.
4. IMO (and this is grey in the FAR's) any of those mods could be construed as an alteration to the reserve because both of the flaps in question are pieces of fabric that attach to the reserve container. Like I said IMO.

Maggot :ph34r:
PS. References provided upon request

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Following up as promised, although I doubt anyone will read this: SunPath says my main is on the "small end" of the size range for the container. Thanks to everyone. MJ

OK: your main may be on the small size for your container but please, refer to my earlier post. There are many things that may cause your main flap to come open. It's between you and your rigger to eliminate those causes.


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I had the same problem on my javelin j-1 with a silhouette 170 in it. I just put two rubber bands around the flap to increase friction. Works like sugar. And they stay there during deployment so you will not burst your rubber band budget either. :-)

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