
Post-Production: Links & Tutorials!!

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!!!!!I should have read the whole sticky post from DSE, but whatever!!!!!

More and more people are taking the leap from tape cameras to cameras with internal harddrives. The camera's are getting cheaper and more user friendly! Alot of people are also getting into actually taking their footage and turning it into videos for personal use, for selling, posting on sites as youtube, vimeo and fabebook! And for many, the world of video editing, holds alot of confusion and new challenges which might have you banging your heads against the wall! But there are literally hundreds of websites out there that offer nice text/image and video tutorials for FREE! And they are great tools for giving your creation that little touch needed for it to look more proffessional!

Here are a few tips and links to stuff that will definetily jumpstart your video editing carreer!

Sony Vegas Pro 9

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4


Tutorial sites for Sony Vegas:

Sony Vegas Tutorial: Video Series from ehow.com

202 Sony Vegas Tutorials

Tutorials on Pixel2life.com


Tutorial sites for Adobe Premier Pro:

Tutorials from tutorialized.com

Tutorials from mediacollege.com

Excellent Tutorials from video-tutes.com


Tutorials for Adobe After Effects:

Tutorials and add ons from VideoCopilot.net

Tutorials from digitalmedianet.com


Other helpful sites:

VASST - Video Audio Software Support Training


I will add more links with time, and if anyone has other interesting or helpful pages they know of.. Please post them! If you want to contribute, share links so that i can add on to this post!

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