rhys 0 #26 April 13, 2010 Unit ordered! I can't wait to get it, I have just refurbished my helmet with zkulls on the top and side. out with the old and in with the new. You should sell your switches through dealers like paragear also?"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateswitch 0 #27 April 13, 2010 Hello Rhys, how are you ? You can find two new Ultimate Switch dealers: - Ram Air Sport (Empuriabrava Spain), Reinier Bos online store , www.ramairskysport.com. - ChutingStar ( Rockmart GA - USA), Mike Gruwell online store, www.chutingstar.com (this seller is waiting my delivery this week). Regards,Nuno Lobo Paulo Skydive Ultimate Switch . www.ultimate-switch.com Email: info@ultimate-switch.com Phone: 00351 919 327 315 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #28 April 21, 2010 So I've had a bit of a saga with the ultimate switch so far. The original wire that came with it was broken. I tested the switch itself with a multimeter and I could tell it was working fine. I gave the wire to a friend to fix. In the meantime, ultimate switch sent me a replacement wire, which was totally unexpected. Very good service. I've been slowly putting my camera helmet together. Last thing I needed was a hypeye, which I finally got a couple weeks ago. So I sat down to install the wires on the helmet. I took the wire my friend had fixed and tried testing the switch one more time. Nothing. Quickly realized one of those tiny wires had broken again. The problem in this case was that my friend didn't know the orientation of the terminals on the switch and had assumed they were rotated 90 degrees. Took a little stretching to make it fit. Anyway, no big deal, I had the replacement wire. Unfortunately I had no idea where the replacement wire had gone. I looked all over and eventually assumed it got thrown away by mistake. So I ordered a new one for 17 euros (including shipping from Portugal). When the new wire arrived, I immediately tested it. Plugged just the bare wire into the camera and turned it on. The camera fired nonstop. Eventually I got it to what I thought was working, but clearly there's something wrong with the wire. There was also some extra solder, so one wire wouldn't plug into the switch fully. And I noticed that when the wire was plugged into the camera, I couldn't access any of the cameras menus. I decided to test a tongue switch just to make sure it wasn't a problem with the camera. I reached into my bag where I keep a couple spare tongue switches and what do you know, I pulled out the ultimate switch wire I thought I lost. Guess I put it in a safe spot for when I needed it. Oops. Well, I tested that wire and it worked just fine. So I was able to finish up the helmet. I posted a video of the bad and good wires: http://www.skydivingstills.com/Other/Ultimate-Switch/11897555_B8oi4#842027461_9BGhb-S-LB. (yes, the aspect ratio is screwed up but I don't think it's too important for this one). Anyway, I got everything installed on the helmet and all seems to be well... maybe. I don't think the camera is focusing (autofocus). I have a bad suspicion that the focus contact isn't connected and the camera will be manual focus only. Nuno, can you confirm that the switches are wired to trigger autofocus like a stereo-type tongue switch? So I still haven't jumped the helmet or the ultimate switch. Hopefully this weekend I can really review it. I still don't quite see how I am going to breath from exit to landing... I'll miss too many photo ops! But so far my impression is that the quality control needs work, but customer service is good. I did a lot of googling and managed to find the exact pressure switch that is used. It's off the shelf, just slightly modified. The real product ultimate switch is making is the wire.... which still needs some work, in my opinion. Looking forward to more US dealers too. Hopefully won't have to wait for shipping from Portugal next time I need a new wire. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tunnelfly 0 #29 April 21, 2010 QuoteBut so far my impression is that the quality control needs work, but customer service is good. I did a lot of googling and managed to find the exact pressure switch that is used. It's off the shelf, just slightly modified. The real product ultimate switch is making is the wire.... which still needs some work, in my opinion. This is why I built my own blow switch, using the same pressure switch as the Ultimate-Switch. This way, it suits my needs exactly... But these pressure switches aren't cheap, so I think the Ultimate-Switch package is adequately charged. No.1 reason NOT to be an astronaut: ...You can't drink beer at zero gravity... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateswitch 0 #30 April 26, 2010 Hello Dave, I'm preparing a reply post, but only tomorrow I can finish the text with some fresh news. Thanks again your reviews and vídeos, and sorry about your wire (terminals) problem. As you already now, client satisfaction is our main target. We are now sending a new unit for you. We are very concerned about this wire problems. Regards,Nuno Lobo Paulo Skydive Ultimate Switch . www.ultimate-switch.com Email: info@ultimate-switch.com Phone: 00351 919 327 315 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #31 April 26, 2010 I was able to jump it once. The focus problem must have been my imagination. Seems to be working fine. Now I just have to get used to blowing... I think I took 200 pics on the jump. Note to self: short puffs! Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateswitch 0 #32 April 28, 2010 Hello Dave, Thanks again, for your reviews and comments about the Ultimate Switch. Yes, you are completed right about ours first handicap, the Quality Control. But now is solve. At the last weeks our production team, two workers have involved on a production quality control course. Now we have three quality control stage on the Plug and Wire production process. 1 - Make the Plug & Wire and test with a multimeter 2 - Test the Plug & Wire on a test station, for all plugs 3 - Test all the kit (Pressure device and the Plug & Wire) on a really photo camera, witch one for the developed model. Now we have a Canon EOS 5D, EOS 350/450D, D2000; Nikon D1x and a Sony A100 for 3th stage tests. For the other camera models we build a network of photographer that we can test the switch before pack. For all Canon models, if the Ultimate Switch makes the camera fire, it’s guarantied that will make the auto-focus. Tomorrow I’m going to send you a new Plug & Wire. It’s ours obligation to sell 100% guaranteed products. As you now, English isn’t my native language, if something is miss understand or if you have more questions, don’t hesitate, contact me. Best regards,Nuno Lobo Paulo Skydive Ultimate Switch . www.ultimate-switch.com Email: info@ultimate-switch.com Phone: 00351 919 327 315 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #33 April 28, 2010 Sounds good! Here are a few pics of my setup. A little hard to see what's going on inside the helmet, but all of it is covered by the padding and most of the electronics sits in a protected area on the sides or forehead area. Everything other than the ringsite is attached to the top plate. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #34 April 30, 2010 QuoteHello Rhys, how are you ? All good, I got my switch finally; I assume it was held up by the airborne ash over europe. It is a very tidy unit, I am very happy that I don't have to get the soldering iron out to install it. Dave, yoU dont actually have to blow, you can just use the muscles in your cheeks to activate the switch. I find blow switches more precise than bite switches... I used them back in the jurassic period when we were still using film, I always had my 5 or so shots left for the landing sequence..."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateswitch 0 #35 April 30, 2010 Hello Rhys Kempen, I'm happy you like your new Ultimate Switch. Best regards,Nuno Lobo Paulo Skydive Ultimate Switch . www.ultimate-switch.com Email: info@ultimate-switch.com Phone: 00351 919 327 315 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #36 May 4, 2010 Just another update... I got to put a lot of jumps on my new camera helmet over the weekend. The ultimate switch is working great. I need a lot more practice using a blow switch... I'm still taking about 5 pictures when I want one. For now I switched my camera's frame rate from 6.3 fps to 3 fps. But I either need to learn to take fewer pictures or invest in memory cards. I took 2400 pictures yesterday. Oops. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #37 May 6, 2010 Hi again, try a teat from a glass eye dropper over the end of the tube, My first blow switch was overly sensitive and this was a good solution. It may or may not work for you. Worth a crack though,"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefalljason 0 #38 May 6, 2010 I was under the impression that you could adjust the sensitivity on the "ultimate switch". Maybe I'm wrong. Blue Skies, Jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #39 May 6, 2010 You can adjust it. I found it uncomfortably hard to work it (too much pressure) until I turned it almost all the way down. Now it doesn't take much pressure so it's easy to use. There's absolutely no feedback of whether or not it's working in freefall... nothing to feel, nothing to hear, nothing to see. So I'd never know if I was blowing hard enough if it was set to a higher pressure. It'd force me to kind of overdo it... which I'm doing anyway. It's not a big deal... I'll get used to it. I could put the camera on single-shot mode instead of continuous if I really wanted to take fewer pictures. But with a tongue switch, it's easy to feel when it's clicking and not just hold it down. With the blow switch, I'm tending to just blow more than I need to. If I could hear the camera taking pictures, I'd be able to control it better. But for now I just need to trust that it's working and not go nuts blowing and turning blue. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefalljason 0 #40 May 6, 2010 Hey Dave, Thanks for the response. I am following this thread with interest and thinking about going to an Ultimate Switch in the near future. I am looking for something more reliable than my Conceptus tongue switch. I really like it when it works but I have gone through several of them. I have bought at least 5 and have had no telling how many of them replaced free of charge by Conceptus. The last time I sent a batch in to be replaced they told me that they wouldn't replace any more for me so when I use up my last two "spares" I am gonna do something else. Please keep us posted on how the Ultimate switch holds up under heavy use. Thanks again and Blue Skies, Jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #41 May 7, 2010 >But I either need to learn to take fewer pictures or invest in memory cards. Memory is cheap but good pictures can be priceless. I shot something like 1500 pictures at the Vegas demos, and some of the best shots were the unintentional ones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skwrl 56 #42 May 14, 2010 QuoteMemory is cheap but good pictures can be priceless. I shot something like 1500 pictures at the Vegas demos, and some of the best shots were the unintentional ones. +1, if you strike the word "some" and replace it with "almost all".Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaceramsey 0 #43 June 29, 2011 I just received my blow switch from ultimate and my nikon d3100. when i plug the switch in i can apply pressure and take pics for 20 sec but when it stops it wont take pics again for 30 or 40 secs. or if i take 1 pic and try to take more it freezes dor the same amount of time. i called nikon and they said it must be a switch problem. i know this is one of their newer switches but if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EmuuuH 0 #44 June 29, 2011 I don't think its the switch. you can check that: pull the two little plugs out of the switch and push them together it should start making pictures just like when you use the switch. or: Just press the camera's shutter button. I think you've got a slow memorycard. and after 20 pictures you have to wait for the camera to write the pictures on the card. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateswitch 0 #45 September 26, 2011 Hello, Yes, mayby is slow memorycard problem. But is you have any questions you now here find us. Regards,Nuno Lobo Paulo Skydive Ultimate Switch . www.ultimate-switch.com Email: info@ultimate-switch.com Phone: 00351 919 327 315 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raceface 0 #46 February 21, 2012 does it lag the same way when you use camera button or only with remote? there is also "active D-lighting" feature on nikon cameras which slows picture processing, check if turning it off will help.my pictures Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon2 2 #47 February 21, 2012 Noise cancelling can slow things down a lot too. I'd reset the camera to factory, see if that solves the problem. ciel bleu, Saskia Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites