
When to buy...

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I am still a student, but am VERY excited about jumping. I was just wondering when I should buy my own gear? I have been looking at different websites/advertisements but I want to be sure that I buy what is right for me. I'm also afraid that I will buy something and then want to upgrade to a higher performance canopy. Any suggestions are appreciated.... Thanks!

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Wait until you are off student status to buy your rig (harness/container, main, reserve and AAD if you want one). Things to think about buying now include a helmet, altimeter, goggles, gloves - things you can use on your student jumps.


I'm also afraid that I will buy something and then want to upgrade to a higher performance canopy.

You probably will. But you would be smart to buy something conservative and learn to fly the shit out of it whether you think you want to upgrade to a higher performance or smaller canopy or not.

Crawl first (student canopies), then walk ("entry level" zp canopy at a light wingloading), then run (higher performance "ellipticals" and/or higher wingloadings) once you've mastered walking without falling down - which isn't as easy as it sounds and is best accomplished by getting canopy control training/coaching beyond what you get as a student (ie once you have your license and beyond).

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Lots of threads on this. The basic component is when can you afford to buy? If you downsize you canopies safely, you should be able to fly your first WL at 1.0 or less for at least a hundred jumps maybe even 200. I was told to get something that I would grow into, and I would have been just fine getting something that was big enough to be safe and learn a lot of stuff on.

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