
Basic Sony CX 100 / CX 110 question

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I've been thinking about getting a HD camera just for fun jumps for awhile now. It looks like the newer CX 110 does not have any internal memory (just from looking on Sony's site at specs), while the CX 100 has 8 GB.
Is this a factor at all, or does everyone just use memory sticks anyway (which is what I would assume, but just figured I would check)

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I just got my CX100 and so far love it. I plan on using memory sticks for most of my recording. DSE made a good point in one of his reviews if you have an 8gb card and suddenly realize your almost out of space you have another 8gb of internal "backup" space. This is how I plan to manage mine.
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you might want to think about recording on the internal memory and having the stick as backup. That way if you need to give the video to someone, you can dub it to a memory stick. you cant dub from memory stick to internal.

If you have a computer/laptop around and a backup stick it's way easier to give someone access to that so you can take your camera and go on your next jump ;)

I've got a few hundred jumps on my cx105, I only used the internal memory once or twice, to try out.

ciel bleu,

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