
Top camera mount for Z1

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I just got an Intova CP-9 camera and I'm looking to try and mount it on top of my fullface Z1. Not sure how much camera I'm really going to be flying so I'd rather stick with my current helmet for now, see what kind of results I get.

Intova offers a flat Mount (http://www.intova.net/extreme.html) but I'm not sure how well that will work with the curved top of the Z1. Any thoughts?

I need something that will adhere to the Z1 and have a screw that will fit the bottom of the Intova (I'm assuming it's a pretty standard size opening). If anyone has any helpful links to mounts that may work I'd be grateful. Thanks and Blue Skies :)

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That's a good point, no it doesn't, but I plan to jerry-rig one :P just gotta figure a good way to mount the thing to my helmet first...

If you're interested: http://www.instructables.com/id/Remote-shutter-trigger-for-Canon-Cameras/ (for canon but also works with most modern digital cameras apparently)

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...for canon but also works with most modern digital cameras apparently...

No, actually it doesn't work for most cameras. And if your camera doesn't have a remote shutter port, it won't work for yours either. (You'll notice on your link the last step says "plug in your camera and have fun." Won't be much fun when you discover at that point that there is no where to plug this in to on your camera). You will undoubtedly have to carefully rip apart your camera and do some very fine soldering inside it's guts (at the very least).

You are relatively new to skydiving, and hopefully new to camera flying. And while skydiving tends to attract people who don't follow the norms and want to try things their own way, sometimes things are always usually done a certain way for good reason. Taking a camera that isn't inherently suited for skydiving, jury-rigging it to a helmet that isn't designed for, or particularly good for camera flying, and expecting good, safe results is,...well,... let's just say bold. If you were at my DZ, I would try to talk you into using more suitable equipment that has proven it will work for freefall photogrphy. In the end, you will be better served.

Just my too sense...

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The problem with a fullface Z1 type helmet is that you cannot get a cutaway system for it. Which means it is a bad idea to jump one as a camerahelmet especially for a camera newbie, and camera helmets without single point releases are not even allowed in various countries/at various DZs around the world, for good reason.

If you want to jump camera, buy equipment that is suitable for it. Much better/safer for both you and the equipment.

ciel bleu,

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