
Fogging because lens cap?!

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Last weekend I had problem with camera lens fogging in the middle of the jump. Slightly, but it was there enough to (almost) ruin otherwise good videos.
Now, you can say that that is not unusual, but here is the thing...
My buddy, the other camera guy, had no issues of fogging at all. We use very similar setups:
- same lens (Opteka HD 0.3),
- similar cameras (mine is cx105, his cx150)
- similar top mount helmets (mine is FTP, his is Vapor),
- we packed at the same room,
- we jumped on the same loads.

The only differences, that I could figure out, were that he just dropped the helmet down on the floor without putting the lens caps on, grabbed the helmet and went for another jump, while I carefully use lens caps.

I also use camera condom - he does not, but mine just goes over camera, not the lens and it`s not too tight.

Could the lens cap be the reason?
Or maybe use of camera condom?
Or the fact that he was just sitting more closely to the airplane door (2 feet)?

Oh, and the fogging starts in the middle of the skydive, not in the plane or at the exit and first part of the freefall.

I`m clueless.
dudeist skydiver #42

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I seldom get fogging issues unless I fall into very humid air from cooler air at the bottom of the skydive.

I use a lens cap all the time while on the ground. I take it off as I'm getting geared up. I never use a cap in the plane. And I have never used a condom.
Bare back all the way, baby. But I digress.

I also had to dry out my camera once a couple of years ago. I took the lens off and opened up everything I could on the camera (flaps, protective covers, battery compartments etc) and then set it about 18 inches away from the front of a blow dryer (hair dryer). I set the dryer on low heat and low air and let it blow gently on the camera for about 20 minutes.

I've never had any problem since.
Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.

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