
Raynox HD-3035 Semi Fisheye - Grainy Quality?

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I've done a few jumps with this lens on my CX100 and the quality looks a little grainy and not clear like my Opteka Baby Death.. Anyone else having that problem? I really don't know what the deal is. I want to use this lens for shooting tandems, etc.. But the quality just doesn't seem as sharp as my other lenses.. Any suggestions for a similar lens that might be better? Or is there anyone who knows why I might be getting this problem?
David Aaron Hewel
DJ/Graphic Designer

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Clean the lens back?:P

Perhaps you're shooting in different lighting?

"Grain" is a characteristic of the imager and camera processing as opposed to the glass. The Raynox 3035 is a very clean lens, albeit that it has some edge distortion (so do most of the low cost lenses).

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I'll make sure everything is spotless next time I jump. For a second I thought maybe I was zoomed in a little and it was causing distortion, but it really just looks not very sharp. Almost a little blurry.. I'll pay around with it some more and see if I can figure it out..
David Aaron Hewel
DJ/Graphic Designer

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It's not so much grainy as if you were trying to shoot in the dark, but it's not quite blurry.. It really just looks as if nothing is very sharp, definitely shouldn't look like that.. I just can't figure out what is causing it.. i haven't changed any settings, nothing.. It's confusing..
David Aaron Hewel
DJ/Graphic Designer

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I am little confused.

I started this thread a couple days ago.

So is there a difference between the 3032 and 3035 that makes the 3035 jumpable?

I have the same question after looking at their website today.
If you ask the right person, you'll get the right answer ... otherwise you'll just get an answer.

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