
Digital or clock style altimeter?

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I'm interested in seeing the split between the two types of altimeters. Post if you want what type of altimeter you use and why you like that style. Thanks!

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Some information is more easily processed by the brain in analog form. For instance, you don't really have to read the numbers on an analog altimeter to see if you're getting near the low (red) end of the scale. With a digital readout, you absolutely have to read the individual numbers and process them. Time and altitude are among the items I prefer to have in analog readouts.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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i completely agree. I grasp things much more quickly in a visual manner, the clock face gives me that without ever having to adjust focus to readl 9 or 6 or 3 etc...

however i'm also interested in the neptune as a back up audible and a digital i can mount on wedge for times when my hands arent easily visible with changing positions..
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For me at least ( a child of the video-game era), my brain registers the digital in a fraction of the time it takes to read the analog. For a lot of people the opposite is true.
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
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I think the key for most people is whether you're actually reading the alti, or just looking at it.

If you read it (which I don't think most people do) then you're going to do fine with a digital.

IMO, most people just look at their alti. without taking the time to actually read it. If you do this, an analog face (that happens to be the exact same as the familiar clock face) is easier to get the information out of quickly.

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When the Digitudes first came out I was skeptical. I finally started using one when I went to an AFF certification course. They recommended them because you are expected to remember what happens when on the dive. I was suprised how easy they were to use. Also we used the for our AFF students when I worked at Skydive USA. I'll have to vote digital.

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I use the clock face....

I am dyslexic....and I am afraid that I will read 7.1 as 1.7 and freak out before I remember to visually check the ground. I CAN tell the difference between the two with my eyes, but I am afraid that if I read 1.7 I will not take the time to check before dumping!


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I vote analog jsut cause I can glance at it and know exactly were I'm at without having to study it! ... I can looka dn see 3 O'clock and know its about time to jump without have to see a 3.o on a LCD screen!!

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I have both... Alti Galaxy on my hand... and a Protrack audible in my ear. Trying to read digital would take too long I think.... a quick glance an the back of my hand and I know where I am at... add that to my visual awareness of the ground... and I keep the audible as the final input... when its screaming at me I know I am getting close to time to pull..


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I posted in a thread a while ago, on a similar subject,
and was wondering if it would be possible to have a head-up display (clear LCD or something like that) for freeflying.
I suppose it would be similar to a ringsight setup. [:/]

Any thoughts ?

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I'm not trying to sell digital altimeters but,I was wondering how many jumpers have actually used one? They are easier to use than most people think. I've sat in the airplane and watched three digitudes clicking off the altitude in sync the entire way to altitude. I don't think that any of the analogs agreed.

never pull low......unless you are

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I've used a Digitude for a few jumps and I, as a person who grew up around computers and digital readouts, loved it. I found it very easy to read and equally easy to mentally process what I was reading.

I'm picking up an Alti-2 Neptune as soon as they are released for sale.
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I use a Digitude Pro and like it better for the memory aspect. Because my brain has processed the number I can remember all the different parts of the jump very easily.
It only takes microseconds for your brain to actually process the numbers, for both the digital and clock style... Unless your slow?
But when you read a digital it says exactly where you are 2800, 2700 etc. I like that assurance and not rounding or guessing, plus it's VERY easy to read.


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Clock-face all the way for an alti, digital for the time.

It takes me a fraction of a second to look at a classical wristwatch and then decide the position of the hands is either 'quarter to three' or 'two fourty five'. As that fraction of a second is never crucial, i wear a nice watch with hands 'cos digital watches are plastic fantastic:P!

On the other hand, when falling towards a hard bit of ground - i'd rather have the clockface - as I know that the red bit is where i don't want to be - and the nearer i get to it the more I should think about pulling! It's easier to visualise - something that digital can't really do.


Ex-University of Bristol Skydiving Club

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