
Needed: Photos and Videos for training matterial.

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I am in the process of writing an instructional course on developing software using Microsoft Silverlight. Part of the course will have students creating a photo gallery and a video gallery in class.

I need media content for this course. In total I would like 4 albums (categories) of around 10 photos each, and 5 videos (each less than 90 seconds in length).

Is there anybody who would be willing to supply these for me? I thought it would be fun if they were Skydiving photos and videos. They need to be copyright free with no watermarks, however I will provide credits with name and web URL within the text of the printed lab guides.

the photos need to be high resolution - part of the gallery includes a viewer that allows a user to zoom in just by hovering over the image.

The videos must not contain copywrited music, and must be politically correct.

Any takers?
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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