
Combining Go Pro footage with CX105 footage

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I'm considering purchasing a Go Pro HD (as a back up) to my Sony CX105 HD camera. I was wondering if anyone had mixed the footage together from a Go Pro with a Sony Cx105 (or similar camera)? If both are in their highest HD settings are the differences in the edit very noticeable? I was considering using the Go Pro as a 'back up' to the Sony for tandems but thought it might be fun to add variety by splicing the footage (and differing camera angles) together. Views please.

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>If both are in their highest HD settings are the differences in the edit very noticeable?

Yes. They are not at all interchangeable. However, a skillful edit of two different sources (with two different perspectives) can get you good results; reality TV does it all the time.

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if you're shooting a 180 degree (Babydeath, etc) then the differences are color and some clarity of movement. The differences will be noticeable without significant correction.
If you don't mind the color shifts and slight differences in movement, it's not a problem. It's not something I like, but it is done with regularity at all levels of production. Check out my FB pages, you can see lots of videos with mixed sources. You'll immediately see which one is which, but it's not horrid.
If people are happy with video from a GoPro on a tandem...I submit quality was never a consideration to begin with.

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