
where to buy sony half-moon adapter?

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subject says it all ;) I would like to convert a cameye to be used in the new sony cams, but need a half-moon connector.
I did google for some time now,, but can not find a shop that sells these connectors (btw, does it have a technical part name?)

Yes I know you can buy a converter in the shop, but hey.... want to do some techie-stuff myself B|

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Thanks, i did already took a look at that thread before my post here.... The thread again does not mention what i would like to know: where to by the Connector
By now i have multiple addresses for the complete cable and adaptor, but i would like to get the connector.

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First you need to give specifics on what model camera and read the manual to learn the name of the port you want to adapt. You don't give us anything to work with unless you specify what you're talking about.
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ok, lets try this a last time, apparently it hard for all of you to read, or hard for me to explain (or both...;))

what i am looking for is:An address of a (internet-)shop that sells the sony half moon connector as a separate item, so without any extra cabling, plugs or whatever. I would like to get the FEMALE version, since I want to use it to make an own cable to connect to a Sony CX115 videocam (10pin AV Jack (A/V R))

A second question if for the more techies of you: is there a part-number and/or part-name that describes this connector better than 'half moon'. As far as I can find, it is also referred to as 'sony 10-pin D Lanc connector, but i would like to get the true part-name.

and YES i saw the articles about the
- laslo adaptor cameye - hypeye
- connector pin schedule (which by the way is great help)

so, anybody out there that can really help?


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Now that finally was explained well enough fer us idjuts.

The only place the female is used is INSIDE the camera. I doubt you will find the female as a separate plug. If you do, it is most like on the end of an extension that has the male as well.

Good luck.
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