
Go Pro Line Tangle (Paragliding)

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Thanks for posting this.
I always assumed that the gopro plastic mount would brake off at the buckle (snap fit), should something like that happen.

(It seems like the pilot uses the mount that comes with the camera. Not the aftermarket ones.)

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His fault for failing the maneuver and falling into his wing, lucky that only his GoPro snagged and the wing with the lines didn't fully wrap around him..

Second - learn to get a cutaway helmet and stop blaming the camera.

That is all.
"All limits are self imposed." Icarus

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Thanks for posting this.
I always assumed that the gopro plastic mount would brake off at the buckle (snap fit), should something like that happen.

This seems to be the common assumption, but the reality is that without leverage, the mount doesn't seem to let go nor does the plastic break as easily as folks assume.
Blaming the camera isn't correct of course, but it's fair to say that small format cameras are not nearly as well thought out as their larger counterparts (from the user perspective). The small size seems to make them seem less of a risk/threat to safety precautions.

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It seems the mount comes off at about 1:40 after the pilot has struggeled with the helmet buckle for 10 sec and given up......

Those plastic buckles on the chinstrap are hard to open if you put tension on them. So yes, cut-away is the way to go for camerahelmets.....

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