
GoPro HD HERO2 out

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Well shit! Looks like they just went and made my HD Hero obsolete. Can't really upgrade one without upgrading half a dozen.

We use the GOPRO with our hand cam for stills. I do like the low light performance they tout. The larger file size is impressive, but we're shooting 200 plus pictures, I don't know that they'd even fit on one CD, and I don't want to spend the time to pick though.

The burst of 10 stills is really cool, but will not help with what we do.

I like the .5 second time lapse, but again with 11 mp pictures, we'd have 400 large file pictures to deal with. I guess that we could raise the price $10 and load stills to a flash drive.

What we'll actually end up doing is sticking with what we're currently doing, until what we're currently doing is no longer technologically feasible. I stayed with 35 mm film until we switched to 100% inside, so skipped a whole level of technology!

Professional 11MP Sensor
2x Faster Image Processor
2X Sharper Glass Lens
Professional Low Light Performance
Full 170°, Medium 12°, Narrow 90° FOV in 1080p and 720p Video
120 fps WVGA, 60 fps 720p, 48 fps 960p, 30 fps 1080p Video
Full 170° and Medium 127° FOV Photos
10 11MP Photos Per Second Burst
One 11MP Photo Every 0.5 Sec Time-Lapse Mode
3.5mm External Stereo Microphone Input
Simple Language Based User Interface
Compatible Wi-Fi BacPac™ and Wi-Fi Remote™
Long Range Remote Control of up to 50 GoPro Cameras
Wi-Fi Video/Photo Preview + Playback
Live Streaming Video + Photos to the Web
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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We use the GOPRO with our hand cam for stills. I do like the low light performance they tout. The larger file size is impressive, but we're shooting 200 plus pictures, I don't know that they'd even fit on one CD, and I don't want to spend the time to pick though.

Put the stills on the same DVD as the video. DVD Architect allows an "extras" for things like this!
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Shit.. My GoPro is just over 1 year old and I think I need to upgrade! With this release I really can't see any point in "real" cams anymore (for video that is).

If everything is truly filmed in GoPro 2 in that demo-video, it just kicks about every cams ass in sub $600 category. Or gimme a cam+lens combination that can compete in video quality even with a slightly higher price and I'll buy it, as I still think the audio on GoPro's is really lousy for tandems.

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True, post processing makes miracles but still, after applying as much as possible post processing to the originals (well, I had only Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere), I still couldn't get as clear picture as it is in the demo video. So I think they have definitely done something good there...

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Anyone knows whether the GoPro 2 allows to playback videos continuously (until you stop it)? It's simply much more convenient to plug the AV-cable into a TV and watch from a vid you choose and do not need to click for the next vids to come. Also allows for using your good old DVD recorder instead of hassling with a DVD-edit-and-burn programme on a computer (which needs a lot of RAM and a fast hard disk...)
Tnx in advance, Carsten
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I always dislike it when they advertise a product (like the current GoPro2 promo) with a lot of awesome imagery knowing a lot of it is the result of hours and post processing.

The promo now on their website has a great deal of footage slowed down beyond the 60fps the camera is capable of (with noticeable artifacts/smearing of the image in some bits). Jebs footage from China is clear and vibrant here, while it was quite muddy and yellow-ish looking at the orginal broadcast (though granted, that footage is shown at lower resolution).

If you advertise a new imager/chip. Show the footage directly of the camera (similar to what was done with the first 5D Mark II footage when people complained about the quality being the result of tinkering).
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why would I do that? It says it shoots stills on it's own while recording DVD. In the past people have said every camera that does this sucks and that's why they have a dedicated one for DVD and one for Stills. I'm curious if this will finally combine the 2. Guess I should just fucking buy one and test it my self huh? :ph34r:

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Do you think 11mp is good enough to just use 1 camera for dvd/stills?

As been said a number of times before, mp don't mean a thing. You need to look at sensor size and lens size+quality, mainly. My old 6mp DSLR (even my first, a 3mp DSLR) blows any mini camera, go pro or otherwise, out of the water.

ciel bleu,

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I am sure this makes a nice camera for those, like me, who just want to document their fun in life to shat with others without going professional...and super expensive. Since I did not have a jumpable video camera so far I pushed the button and ordered one. I will post my impressions once I get it.

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why would I do that? It says it shoots stills on it's own while recording DVD. In the past people have said every camera that does this sucks and that's why they have a dedicated one for DVD and one for Stills. I'm curious if this will finally combine the 2. Guess I should just fucking buy one and test it my self huh? :ph34r:

Umm, unless I missed that section in the manual it does NOT take photos and shoot video at the same time dude. That would be why it was suggested that you use 2.;)
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