
Pin testing and Racers

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Okay, we're really pushing our jumpers to get the Capewell SB done quickly and I was up last night testing rigs until 1:00am.

Our DZ has lots of Racers. I read all the posts about the testing before this weekend, and I read that other riggers were saying the Racers had to have test 2 because of the ripcord housing that covers the top of the top pin.

Trying to save the hassle of reopening all of the containers, I just did one (mine), cutting the tacking on the ripcord housing of a spit housing and pushed it up. This allowed me access to the top pin.

Of course, I had to tack it back with the reserve in, and I used a packing paddle between the container material and the reserve and great care.

Does anyone see any problems with doing it this way?

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Does anyone see any problems with doing it this way?

No, but there is a much easier way. If you turn the housing like a screw you will see that it will thread up towards the tack. You can then test the pin and then turn the housing in the opposite direction to return it to its original position.

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Personally, I would never risk sewing or tacking on a closed reserve container. This is someone's (your) last chance to live. It isn't worth the risk, even if it's small. I'm sure you were very careful but you don't know you didn't catch something else without looking.

I freely admit I'm a conservative, picky rigger.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Thanks for the input.

Most of the Racers that I see have their ripcord housing tacked right at the base. They can be screwed downward to remove a Cypres, but have no room to move up. I guess here's a good reason to tack them higher.

As far as the tacking, I only put in one stich and will do a complete job tacking the housing at the next repack. I put a metal packing paddle between the container material and everything else. When I was done, it's close enough to the opening at the top to stick a couple of fingers in to check.

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