
Building a complete system

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If you were building an intermediate video & photo system from scratch what would you get? By intermediate I mean something good enough for tandem and RW outside video, but not necessarily to shoot Hollywood movies.
I’d like to know about what type of video & still cameras you would choose. Also, what would be an ideal editing platform; computer and software (Mac or PC)? Opinions?
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If I were doing it again, a flat top type of helmet, CX-100 with the Raynox 3035 and Canon XSi with a Sigma 15mm.

I've got all of that (minus the flat top and the 15mm prime, I've got a 10-20mm), but on a Cookie MXV, and the side video kind of gets annoying at times.

Also, I pick the CX-100 because the memory card is located on the side, not the bottom. I pop both of my cards out of my cameras so I never have to disconnect them from the helmet = less wear/tear on the gear. I even made it so I can charge my video camera while it's mounted in the box on the side of the helmet.

A FAST PC, I've got a hex-core Phenom processor 3.2ghz overclocked and watercooled pushing a stable 3.96ghz, 8gb ram, Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Also Sony Vegas... but that shit is EX-PENSIVE!
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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If I were doing it again, a flat top type of helmet, CX-100 with the Raynox 3035 and Canon XSi with a Sigma 15mm.

I've got all of that (minus the flat top and the 15mm prime, I've got a 10-20mm), but on a Cookie MXV, and the side video kind of gets annoying at times.

Also, I pick the CX-100 because the memory card is located on the side, not the bottom. I pop both of my cards out of my cameras so I never have to disconnect them from the helmet = less wear/tear on the gear. I even made it so I can charge my video camera while it's mounted in the box on the side of the helmet.

A FAST PC, I've got a hex-core Phenom processor 3.2ghz overclocked and watercooled pushing a stable 3.96ghz, 8gb ram, Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Also Sony Vegas... but that shit is EX-PENSIVE!


Charles came up with an alternative to using the CX100 for the side mount cards. He has two CX150's in identical boxes for Nationals, they are ran by a Cameye adapter that has has a plug that disconnects so the Cameye stays on the helmet. He is just going to swap cameras so the editor can use the USB port.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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