
Ripcord / Pin Test: Pass or Fail

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But are you sure you're unaffected? Two additional categories labeled something like "Pin made outside of bulletin parameters, tested and PASSED" and "Pin made outside of bulletin parameters, tested and FAILED" would likely yield interesting results. I'm not seeing how I can make this modification, however.

Of course, persons falling into the "FAILED" categories are especially encouraged to post to this thread!


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I was exempt...

Thank god, my gear shop didnt have any 25" reserve ripcords in stock....Damn itty bitty harness!

If it bent/broke I would have been hosed.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I tested both my rigs (only one of which was affected) and they both passed. However, a friend of mine tested his and his girlfriend's rigs (only one of which was affected) and they both failed--both pins bent immediately, well before 15lbs was applied. I would recommend that everyone have the test done.


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I tested mine just to be sure. My container was made in 1999 but the owner before me had one cutaway. I didn't know whether or not he kept the cutaway handle. It should be on the reserve repack card, but I'm not going to trust some piece of paper with my life. I don't need to be thinking about things like that when I'm jumping.

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How about another option for 'my equipment is too old/too new' to be affected?

i'll tell ya what, if it where me, i'd get it tested anyway. we had a tandem ripcord today fail, that i believe was made in 2000. i will be checking for sure tomorrow (i didn't do the test) but if so, we'll be calling capwell and finding out what the hell is going on.

also, we called capewell today, to clairfy that if you do test 1, you still had to do test 2 at the next repack, and the guy said he has been getting a lot of calls with bent pins, that where found bent before the test was even done (some being older than the nov. 2001 dates i think).


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Two rigs tested with Test 2. One passed, one bent. Fortunately, my rigger had a spare ripcord he lent me for WFFC.

Speaking of WFFC, word is there's gonna be a line for those that have pins in the bad batch. If you have a pin in the bad batch, you will be tested there. My guess it that there will be few if any that break, but I'll bet some are bent.

Now, if you're at WFFC, and you get a bent pin, then I doubt you'll find a lot of spare ripcords lying around to replace it. I hope a few riggers bring some spares, but I will hate to see people sitting around doing nothing because their rig is grounded. Please, please get your pins checked prior to WFFC.

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Did your pin pass or fail either of the mandatory tests stated in Capewell Service Bulletin CW03-01?

My Atom was exempt; the reserve pin isn't the straight variety but it has a loop for the RSL, not sure what you call it but anyway it didn't have to be tested. my Vulcan I had no idea of, the rig is old but the ripcord isn't marked and I only just bought it, no idea of it's history. So I had it tested anyway. For €5,- , why worry....
It passed :)

ciel bleu,

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Is that true? The service bulletin said "one of the two tests" must be done, not both. What did they tell you about that?

no no no. one of the two test must be done before the next jump. if you do test one then, at the next repack test 2 must be done still. if you do test 2 before the next jump, if you got a repack, then you don't have to do test 1.

this is exactly what capwell said.

and i'll get back to you on the DOM of the rig, i found out is is older than nov. 2001, but i still need to find out if the handle has ever been replaced. we will be caling capewell monday for further details i'm sure (not me more than likely my dad)


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no no no. one of the two test must be done before the next jump. if you do test one then, at the next repack test 2 must be done still. if you do test 2 before the next jump, if you got a repack, then you don't have to do test 1.

this is exactly what capwell said.

That's interesting because that's not "exactly" what the SB says. The SB says it is a "one-time" test and that one of two test, "either" test 1 "or" test 2 must be performed (this is in the first part of the SB and it does not make reference to next use or repack in terms of when the test must be performed). Under Test 1, the SB says it is to be performed prior to the next use. Under Test 2, the SB says it must be done prior to the next repack. At the end of the SB, it says that if you cannot perform test 1 "or" test 2, you need to send the cord to Capewell. The SB is not a model of clarity.

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All the rigs at Lost Prairie were being tested as part of registration.. both of mine... the Infinity and the Javelin passed. There were 480 jumpers registered and I dont think there were very many failures of the pin tests.


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