
Trial or alternative for Adobe After Effects?

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Hi guys,

I did a search and didn't come up with an answer... Can anyone tell me where to get a trial version of After Effects?

Alternatively, can anyone suggest another software for manipulating images?

Thanks in advance :)
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After effects is a program to alter video and add items into video frames or to create new motion effects. If you are looking to work with still imaes PhotoShop is a better option.

After Effects has a pretty steep learning curve for people starting out.

What are you trying to do exactly?
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For photo manipulation if you don't want to go with photoshop for some reason, there are a couple other alternatives;


Gimp is free and Paint Shop Pro is a cheaper alternative to photoshop. I can't vouch for either as I haven't used either in the past 10 years.

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It's not for me - our intern is a student in graphic design and she would like to do stuff to images... Apparently there's something in After Effects she knows about but she doesn't have the software. She is a poor student, so cannot afford to buy it.
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The question still is, are they motion images or still images?
AE is very cheap for students. Adobe has terrific purchase programs for students.
The trial will allow you to work for 30 days without purchase, and IIRC, the student price for AE is around 300.00

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The question still is, are they motion images or still images?
AE is very cheap for students. Adobe has terrific purchase programs for students.
The trial will allow you to work for 30 days without purchase, and IIRC, the student price for AE is around 300.00

On what planet is 300.00 not a lot of money?!! :D:D She is not doing a paid internship and my guess is she doesn't want to invest in the entire software just for us if she has access to it during the regular schoolyear...

I think she is working on stills - not sure.
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Stills in AE would be really, really silly, IMO.
Photoshop has almost everything that AE offers, and a whole lot that AE doesn't.
Even consumer Photoshop is likely more appropriate.
Then as mentioned, there are many free photo editors.
GIMP is great.

For very high end software normally costing 6 times as much, 300.00 for an Adobe suite is nothing. She can rent AE or Pshop on Adobe's cloud site...

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I don't really know what she needed it for - she just wanted to replicate something she had done before in AE.

And it doesn't matter at all how relatively "cheap" it may be - when you don't have $300, you don't have $300. :P

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I don't really know what she needed it for - she just wanted to replicate something she had done before in AE.

And it doesn't matter at all how relatively "cheap" it may be - when you don't have $300, you don't have $300. :P

As it has been stated, AE has a 30 day free trial...

$300 is cheap considering what it can do for you. If you can't afford it, then you don't need it.
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She is a poor student, so cannot afford to buy it.

What kind of a company offers a graphic design internship without the necessary tools?

They made things happen for you, I bet you can make things happen for her.;)

Also, there are many forums that can help with specifics

If she can explain exactly what she wants to do, forums like Creative Cow will help her if it's possible to use other programs other than AE.
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Also, if you go for the the free trial, or your company(god forbid) fronts the cash for AE, just beware that if your cheap company is using software earlier than W7, you'll need to get an earlier version of AE...I know it's complicated....just chec the specs...
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She is a poor student, so cannot afford to buy it.

What kind of a company offers a graphic design internship without the necessary tools?

Jesus... It's just a 3-week internship. If the project was worth an investment of $300 in software, we would paying a professional to do it.

At least our founder/CEO is good about interns and believes in helping/shaping youths... Most companies just give shit work to these kids like data entry or fetching coffee... It's his view that the internship should mostly benefits the students - if we get anything good out of it, that's a nice bonus. So we try to come up with stuff that's interesting, but just a "nice-to-have" (in case it goes tits up).
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