
Best camera for Cookie G3 top of helmet??

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Im about to hit 200 jumps and am looking forward to getting a camera.

My boyfriend jumps a Contour which I really like, but on his helmet he can mount it on the side and it is not affected when the visor is pushed up under canopy.

I wear a G3, and I know you can mount the Contour on to the side plates, but the camera will face up in to the canopy when I push my visor up, missing out on the awesome views around and my landings.

Does anyone have thoughts on other cameras out that are simple (I like Contour because it is a one button slide on, no looking for a flashing red light etc) and is low profile. Not a big fan of the GoPro given how many issues Ive seen people experiencing.

Help would be appreciated! Thanks.

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Put a plate up there like that guy and you can mount any camera(s) you want! Even run a contour AND 4 gopros or a cx150 and Nikon. Endless. :D

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I have a Drift Ghost HD with my G3 helmet. I put it at the very top and be able to open my visor @ 3/4 opening. I'm really happy with it and get some decent views on the 2 jumps I did with it (Home DZ also require 200 jumps).

It's decent size and not heavy and comes with a remote bracelet.

Check it out!
Avikus - Packer and Jumper - Hate landing with the plane!

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Wrong helmet for the application.

Yeah, but... Isn't the G3 just the "coolest", hippest FF "tool" available? And getting/having a Contour also the same? How about a set of GPS Google-glass goggles, fancy beepy-things, etc. etc. etc. (ad-nauseum) - just because... well ...WOW, they all so really look cool, and are (supposedly) each in their own rights, and in-of-themselves THE "shiznet" gear (my buddy said they're all the top of their respective brands) in each of their categories!

Never mind having even the least modicum of consideration, let alone understanding - of how each component, unit, item may (or may not) interact, and under what circumstances - with each other. - :S>:(

I mean, really... Skydiving is nothing more than just so totally rad/cool, no worries, blah-blah-blah. [:/]

So sorry for the rant distraction/derailment/tirade. Never mind y'all. After reading what seems like the umpteenth similar post, I think I'm just quite possibly personally, just "losing it" here is all.

You all just - "carry on".

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Green is an outstanding color.
Red is an outstanding color.
Unfortunately, they don't always go well together.
Skydivers would do better to find the things that go well together, even if it's not always the most 'cool' thing.
It's a different version of the "tiny reserve in the container because it looks cool" conversation.

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I was asking to get an opinion on what works best with the equipment I already have.

When I say best I mean safest (hence lower profile).

The forums are a great place to share knowledge and help fellow skydivers out ... If you're negative like that you create a culture where people are afraid to ask questions when they're not sure of something, which is surely far more dangerous in the sky.

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I was asking to get an opinion on what works best with the equipment I already have.

When I say best I mean safest (hence lower profile).

The forums are a great place to share knowledge and help fellow skydivers out ... If you're negative like that you create a culture where people are afraid to ask questions when they're not sure of something, which is surely far more dangerous in the sky.

Sometimes the equipment you have isn't suited for what you want to use it for.
I have a several great canopies, but only one that is properly suited for demos with my large flag.
I have several helmets, but my full face is not appropriate for a camera.
The right tools for the right job and all that.

The flip side, is that no one say anything in response to your post, and you go out and get hurt for lack of information, or that you get the answer you wanted to hear vs the one you needed to hear.
I'd submit that scenario is far more dangerous in the sky.

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When I say best I mean safest (hence lower profile).

Unless you're somehow putting a dedicated cutaway system on the G3, the term "safest" doesn't even remotely apply to your question. Hint: fastex buckles don't release easily under tension.

As for Grant's reply being negative, I'm impressed that you can figure out what the hell he said...known him for years and I still have trouble with his syntax on here. :)

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Unless you're somehow putting a dedicated cutaway system on the G3, the term "safest" doesn't even remotely apply to your question. Hint: fastex buckles don't release easily under tension.

Thanks Lance! I've always wondered what those plastic "squeeze-buckles" were called. B|

Precisely what I was also looking for, and trying to reference when I responded to similar exuberance of someone elses (similar "request" for feedback) set-up, HERE

Muppetchick - Maybe you can see/understand how I get so frustrated sometimes with these. I really have been trying (and I had thought anyway - up until again only just very recently, for the most part) to be "good". :)

Didn't mean to offend, only to help make you (hopefully) THINK


...known him for years and I still have trouble with his syntax on here.

Yeah well, like you say... You know me. :$:P
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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I use a Cookie G3 with a Contour mounted on Hypoxic side mounts. I rarely need to lift my visor, if I do encounter fogging I open it under canopy just slightly and it clears immediately. I also use Fog Tech DX wipes from Chutingstar.com to treat my visor once a month.

I find when I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth fog is minimized.

I prefer the Contour for the one-button actuation as you mentioned, but also the low-profile design and secure mounting to the helmet itself. I feel this design is less likely to tear off the helmet or snap off as I've seen with GoPro's that are top mounted.

It sounds like your going to be using the camera for fun, if that's the case, so what if you have to pop the visor once in a while to clear fog, those sweet shot's and landings under canopy all start to look the same after a while.

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I have a Drift Ghost top-mounted on my G3 and it is terrific.

I can open my visor all the way. The snag risk is minimal because the camera is about the size of a small pack of cigarettes and fits flat on the top. (I have a Cookie flatlock.)

The camera itself is pretty good. Specs are close to Go Pro.

The remote is a piece of crap. Not worth the money. Flimsy, with too many modes and too susceptible to bumping.

I usually just turn the camera on when the plane is on jump run and then put the helmet on. It means I'm shooting excess stuff before exit. But at least I'm sure it's on.

It is easily adaptable to the helmet you have.

You just have to remember to turn the lens 90 degrees when you have it in flat position rather than upright.

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