
60 Minutes segment on GoPro (features skydiving)

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What I got out of that piece was a bit more understanding of the viewpoint of people participating in various sports, who of course want to attach a GoPro to their piece of sports equipment.

I was thinking about how experienced people in these various sports might suggest to a newbie that they are not yet ready to use a GoPro while participating in that sport, because they might get distracted and create additional risk.

Or maybe they don't. Maybe some people are using a GoPro since the very beginning of participating in a sport, and so there is not really much additional risk doing any particular "new" maneuver.

The expectation of using a GoPro is very high. What is the sport of skydiving doing about that besides just saying "no"?

(I'm not suggesting that we all just start letting skydiving students wear a GoPro. I'm just asking if we as a sport plan to continue to just say "no" forever while other sports are embracing the GoPro.)

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I had a FJC student recently, absolutely adamant and insistent he be allowed to duct-tape his iphone somewhere to his body, to record his experience with - in large part because of how these shows and segments seem to want to "glorify" and make it seem so otherwise unobtrusive entirely - to do this. - :S

I did not see this particular show/segment, and will have to check it out now; but most do not give anywhere even near the proper level of respect/consideration for the potential added danger/distraction risk factor(s) that addint the camera otherwise I think - all of us (or maybe not) realize/agree. ...and as such, do not IMO, serve their audience/viewership (or us) as a result - to use this ("just because everyone else is doing it" - apparently) as a reconsideration factor for us now too - "just allowing it", to occur.

Did I just add anything at all to this conversation?
Probably not.

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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I did not see this particular show/segment, and will have to check it out now; but most do not give anywhere even near the proper level of respect/consideration for the potential added danger/distraction...

I doubt that any news program will ever give any information at all about safety aspects. They just show people using them and do not indicate their experience level.

(Of course you added something to the conversation!)

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